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Testing the SwiftMetrics dashboard before releasing

Sian January edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

Do this on all supported Swift levels:

  1. Make sure you are actually running the exact code that is about to be released
  2. Check all the graphs load and start plotting data. You may need to trigger some http events
  3. Check the web console for errors and erroneous logging (A warning saying "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated.." is expected (related to loading translation files)
  4. Maximize and minimize every graph to check it works
  5. Resize the browser window and check that every graph redraws correctly and all labels etc are in the right place.
  6. Check all coloured boxes in the graph legends have labels
  7. Check every graph has a title
  8. Run for at least 20 minutes and check that all graphs still look ok and all are showing a 15 minute window of data. Trigger some more http events at this point