Unstore is a self hosted photo storing platform that allows users from android devices to store images from their devices into a raspberry pi server to maintain privacy while ensuring robust access.
To run this project
Download the project as zip and open the Unstore folder with an IDE for executing the android application.
Copy the server folder to any location of your Raspberry pi
In the terminal run
npm install
This installs all the node modules needed for the project.
Now get a domain of your own choice (I had used Spaceship for their really cheap first year plans), & go on to Cloudflare, create an account.
Change the nameservers of the domain and add it to your cloudflare account. Once it is live, that is cloudflare shows it as live create a tunnel install the connectors in the Pi and add your domain to the public host name and
in the service section, set the service type to be HTTP
In the main.dart file change the urls marked TODO to your own URL.
Go to the pi terminal, navigate to the folder where the server is setup and run
which node
This would spit out the location of your node executable
In order to run the server automatically on every reboot we need to setup the crontab
Now run
crontab -e
This would open the crontab file for editing at the very last add
@reboot (/bin/sleep 30; /path/to/your/node /path/to/your/server/file &)
In my case path to my node executable was
Now save the file.
In the terminal run
node server.js
This should make the server up and running. Go to a browser and search for your domain if it returns a message as Hello the the server is ok and all set.
Fire up the application by running
flutter run
in any IDE and the application should be ready to be used.