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Ruzeh edited this page May 31, 2021 · 5 revisions

+: The program is stuck/nothing happens when I run it while having a correctly set up avatar!
-: Make sure you've gone through all the options, the last line in the program should be "Awaiting for Neos websocket client connection..."

-: The program tells me it connected but nothing's happening!
+: Make sure your camera isn't being used by anything else and that you're getting an image from it. If you're in the dark, it might have trouble identifying your face from the background, so light up your environment a bit.

-: I've set up the system but the avatar's head gets in the way and I can't see anything.
+: You might wanna set up a Near Clip by following ProbablePrime's video. If you don't wanna set it up, you may try changing the Head Proxy's Target Z position, to bring the head backwards.

-: Sometimes the character does expressions I'm not making. How do I get rid of these unwanted expressions?
+: You can adjust the expression thresholds by opening an inspector window and browsing through the Config node, try adjusting them until you feel comfortable with it's detection.

-: I adjusted the expressions and it works fine, but I have to do that on every avatar I want to apply the face tracking to!
+: Instead of adjusting the Config node in the avatar, you should make a copy of the Setup, edit the Config node inside the Template node with your preferred values, and save that. Whenever you install that copy to a new avatar, it will come preset with your configuration.

-: I've set up the blink fields correctly but my character isn't blinking.
+: Some avatars might not drive the blinking with the EyeCloseOverrides, in that case you will need to find the specific blink blendshapes and assign those instead. Make sure they're not driven beforehand (the value is purple when a value is driven)

-: I've got an issue that I can't solve! Help?
+: You could contact either of us through the ingame setup, by clicking on a name in the credits.

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