Ubuntu 11.4.0
Clang 14.0.0
Cmake 3.22.1
Boost : Boost is a widely-used collection of open-source, peer-reviewed libraries that extend the functionality of the C++ programming language.
Catch2 :
Catch2 is a modern, C++-native, header-only testing framework for unit tests, TDD (Test Driven Development), and BDD (Behavior Driven Development).
yaml-cpp : yaml-cpp is a C++ library for parsing and emitting YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) data.
|—— bin // binaries
|—— build // intermediate files
|—— cmake // cmake function folder
|—— lib // library output folder
|—— tests // testing code
|—— source // source code
|—— CMakeLists.txt
|—— Makefile
Log4j is a java-based logging framework, we will refer to its implementation to create a similar framework.
Logger (Define Logger class)
Appender (Logger output) ----- Formatter (format Log)
| |
Console Files
When we try to log info, we would pass an event into Logger, the Logger would use Appender to output event to console or files;
The appender contains a formatter, which contains a set of formatter items, these items could be config by our pre-defined pattern (support default pattern if we don't set a specific pattern)
Module Features:
- Output logs in streaming log style
Server::Logger::ptr logger(new Server::Logger);
SERVER_LOG_INFO(logger) << "Event occur"; // store any messages into stream
- Support customized log formats
The logging format we use (refer to Log4j TTCC)
%m --- message body
%p --- priority level
%r --- number of milliseconds elapsed since the logger created
%c --- name of logger
%t --- thread id
%n --- newline char
%d --- time stamp
%f --- file name
%l --- line number
%T --- Tab
%F --- Coroutine Id
multi-log separation: enable logging same info with different output destination
free configuration of log such as time, thread ID, thread name, log level, log name, file name, line number.
Logging level indicate serverity or importance of the messages logged by the application. We defined 5 level in our module.
DEBUG: Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
INFO: Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level.
WARN: Potentially harmful situations that indicate some kind of issue or minor problem.
ERROR: Error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
FATAL: Very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
Configuration Module is used to store all system configuration (e.g logger)
We use "Convention over Configuration" principle to design the module, and avoid unnecessary pre-configuration.
Module Features:
Used yaml-cpp as parsing tool to load yaml file
Support yaml serialization and deserialization
YAML::NODE node = YAML::LoadFile(filename)
for (auto it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); ++it) {
it->first, it->second
for (size_t i = 0; i < node.size(); ++i) {
Used partial specialized template to support conversion between stl container(map/unordered_map, set/unordered_set, vector, list) and Yaml
Support nontification event when configuration is changed : Once configuration in yaml file is changed, we can detect and update during run time via callback (Observer pattern).
Intergrate logger module with configuration module, to support user customized configuration before lanuching the application
- name: root
level: (debug, info,warn,error,fatal)
formatter: '%d%T%p%T%t%m%n'
- type: (StdoutLogAppender, FileLogAppender)
level: (debug,info,warn,error,fatal)
file: /logs/xxx.log
Server::Logger::ptr g_logger = Server::LoggerMgr::getInstance()->getLogger(name); //Server::Logger::ptr g_logger = SERVER_LOG_NAME(name)
SERVER_LOG_INFO(g_logger) << "xxxx log";
static Logger::ptr g_log = SERVER_LOG_NAME("system");
// when appenders of logger is empty, use root(default) for output
Note: At this point, the key of map only support std::string type
Encapsulate common functionalities of C++ 11 thread library, using <pthread.h> library.
Implement customized thread/semaphore/mutex/RWMutex/CASlock/Spinlock which supports standard interface.
RWMutex/CASlock/Spinlock are commonly used in high concurrency situation.
Server::Mutex mutex;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
Server::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex);
Coroutine: Light-weight thread compared with thread (i.e. a thread of a thread). Currently implemented by uconttext_t, would be upgraded by boost.context in the future.
Thread -> main_fiber <------> sub_fiber
1:N 1:M
scheduler ---> thread ---> fiber
- Utilize thread pool for thread management in coroutine scheduler
- Coroutine scheduler, assign coroutine to specific thread and execute
Inherited from Coroutine Scheduler. Encapsulate epoll to support IO multiplexing.
IOManager(epoll) ---> Scheduler
message_queue (semaphore)
|------ Thread
|------ Thread
We would use Catch2 for unit testing, and a high-resolution timer for performance testing