Downloads WebVid10m in 10 minutes for $100 of GCP credits. Downloading YouTube datasets like ACAV and HDVILA also works pretty well.
See this presentation for background.
gcloud services enable
gsutil mb -b on -l US gs://youtube_download
gsutil cp gs://youtube_download/webvid10m/
gcloud beta batch jobs submit webvid10m-test --location=us-central1 --config=job_webvid10m_test.json
gcloud beta batch jobs delete webvid10m-test --location=us-central1
gcloud beta batch jobs submit webvid10m --location=us-central1 --config=job_webvid10m.json
Some times it is useful to manually test your download script before putting it in batch job.
gcloud beta compute instances create benchmarking --machine-type=n2d-highcpu-128 --zone us-east1-b
gcloud compute instances delete benchmarking --zone us-east1-b
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-east1-b" "benchmarking"