A very small and fast Arch Linux (UEFI) installer.
I beleive the script is readable and very efficient.
It installs the base system and Gnome DE.
Partitioning is left to the user before running the script,
as partitioning is based on personal preference.
Also make sure to edit the script with the apropriate partition paths before running it.
The scrip is oriented on dualbooting a second OS (Windows in this case).
To download this script to the Arch Installation USB the "$curl" command can be used:
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/S1lverCr0w/ArchTimeSaver/main/archinstall.sh > archinstallscript.sh
To make the file executable use:
$ chmod +x archinstallscript.sh
To run the script:
$ ./archinstallscript.sh
Some code was borrowed from