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Task Manager

Task Manager is a fullstack application made by me. S4vyss. It consists of main page, login page and project page.

Tech Stack

  • Trpc
  • Next.js
  • Material UI
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Typescript
  • Prisma

Dev Usage

To open this project locally on your computer do as follows:

mkdir project
cd project
git clone

Then in your project directory:

npm install

Then you would have to open your prisma.schema and change datasource:

 datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Also delete the @map(_id) inside each id column and @id @map(_id) inside VerificationToken model

After that you gonna have to create your .env file and fill in the required variables from .env.example

Your **.env** file should look like that:

You need to provide your client id and secret that you can get from here

If you dont have already set up google Oauth application you can follow these steps to create one and get your client id and secret. Click

After you set up your **.env** file you can then proceed to creating your prisma migration.

Inside your project terminal: npx prisma migrate dev


I want to thank Maciejowski and rafal06 for being beta testers.