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This code reproduces the combined public-private sector figures from the manuscript

The easiest way to use this code is via the GNU make build tool; the code can also be run directly from R.

Running this code:

Download data

  • Time series data for running this code can be downloaded from:

  • Filenames include a province code. Each data file includes 25 imputated timeseries (see manuscript for description of imputation procedure).

  • Data files should be put into a folder named 'data'.

  • the R code provided runs out the box using the .RDS data files; .csv files are also provided

Using make:

  • run 'make setup' to set up directory structure
  • run 'make' to generate R estimates and plots with 7-day sliding windows
  • run 'make plots_<window_size>' (e.g. 'plots_14') for generate R estimates and plots with your desired length of sliding window.
  • run 'make all_plots' to generate R estimates and plots with 7, 14, and 21-day sliding windows.
  • set variable "UNCERTAINSI" to TRUE if you want to reproduce figures in the manuscript (using a less-certain serial interval), or set to FALSE for faster runtime.
  • set variable "PERIODANALYSES" to TRUE to generate R estimates per lockdown level, or FALSE to skip this.
  • set variable "NCORES" to specify how many of your machine's cores you'd like to allocate to this task.
  • other variables (e.g. plot resolution or level of sampling for uncertain serial interval

Using R without make:

  • Set up repository structure:

    • data/
    • results/tables
    • results/Period_analyses
    • plots/
  • Variables should be edited inside the "if(interactive()){c(<variable_1>, <variable_2>, etc.)}" portion of the ".args <-" assignment block. See comments and/or code just below the assignment block for which variable is which.

  • To produce R estimates:

    • run "est_R_hosp.R" with the second argument set to "admit" (for estimates based on hospital admissions)
    • run "est_R_hosp.R" with the second argument set to "deaths" (for estimates based on hospital-associated deaths)
    • run "est_R_lab.R" (for estimates based on rT-PCR-confirmed cases)
  • To produce plots:

    • first generate R estimates with the desired window size
    • run "plot_results.R" with the first variable set to the desired window size


Code for the last steps in the reproduction number (R) estimation pipeline described in







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