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Server Deployment

renambot edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 69 revisions

Server Deployment

The SAGE3 server can be deployed on a Window, Mac or Linux machine with a fully qualified name and a SSL certificate to support HTTPS.


  • Windows, MacOS, or Linux operating system
  • Docker installation
  • Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
    • i.e. A hostname recognized on a public network or your institutions private network
      • Ex.
      • Ex.
  • SSL Certificates for server (or wildcard certificate for a domain)
  • Optional services:
    • Google OAuth credentials, for authentication
    • CILogin OAuth credentials, for authentication
    • Apple with 'Sign in with Apple' credentials, for authentication
    • Twilio API registration, for screen sharing



  1. Install Docker Desktop for Windows

  2. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL using distribution Ubuntu 22.04

# Open Powershell
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
  1. Install Node.js within the WSL subsystem
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Ensure Curl is installed
sudo apt-get install curl

# Install Node.js repository
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
# Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Test
node -v
  1. Download the SAGE3 Linux AMD64 Server Package and extract it within the WSL subsystem
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Download the file if not done already
curl -LJO

# Move the downloaded file to your user's home folder
mv SAGE3-1.2-linux-amd64.tgz ~
cd ~

# Extract file
tar xvfz SAGE3-1.2-linux-amd64.tgz
cd SAGE3-1.2
  1. Copy your SSL Certificates to the configurations folder. There should be two files, your PRIVATE key and the CERTIFICATE file
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Copy SSL Certs to the SAGE3 Keys folder. Remember these names for later when setting up the configuration file (step 8).
cp PRIVATE_KEY_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
cp CERTIFICATE_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
  1. Generate JWT Keys and Token
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Switch to the SAGE3 Node Keys Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys

# Generate JWT Keys and Token
  1. Edit the .env File
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Edit .env file with your preferred editor
vim .env
TOKEN= # token value copied without “” from: configurations/node/keys/token.json
  1. Edit the Configuration file sage3-prod.hjson
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Node Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node

# Edit the sage3-prod.hjson file with your preferred editor
# The file is documented with instructions.
vim sage3-prod.hjson
  1. Start Docker Desktop within Windows

  2. Pull the Docker Images

# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Pull images
sudo docker compose pull

# Might take a while but the results should be similar to:
Pulling redis-server ... done
Pulling node-server  ... done
Pulling python       ... done
Pulling jupyter      ... done
Pulling fluentd      ... done
pulling fastapi      ... done
  1. Start the Server
# Open Powershell and switch to WSL

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Start Server

# To Stop the Server


  1. Install Docker Desktop for macOS
  • Make sure to select the architecture (M1 or Intel) that matches your machine
  1. Install NodeJS 20.xx
  • Navigate to NodeJS Downloads and download the latest v20.x of NodeJS for your machine
  1. Download a SAGE3 server package:
# Open a Terminal

# Move the downloaded file to your user's home folder
mv SAGE3-1.2-linux-arm64.tgz ~
cd ~

# Extract file
tar xvfz SAGE3-1.2-linux-arm64.tgz
cd SAGE3-1.2
  1. Copy your SSL Certificates to the configurations folder. There should be two files, your PRIVATE key and the CERTIFICATE file
# Open a Terminal

# Copy SSL Certs to the SAGE3 Keys folder. Remember these names for later when setting up the configuration file (step 7).
cp PRIVATE_KEY_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
cp CERTIFICATE_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
  1. Generate JWT Keys and Token
# Open a Terminal

# Switch to the SAGE3 Node Keys Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys

# Generate JWT Keys and Token
  1. Edit the .env File
# Open a Terminal

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Edit .env file with your preferred editor
vim .env
TOKEN= # token value copied without “” from: configurations/node/keys/token.json
  1. Edit the Configuration file sage3-prod.hjson
# Open a Terminal

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Node Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations

# Edit the sage3-prod.hjson file with your preferred editor
# The file is documented with instructions.
vim sage3-prod.hjson
  1. Start Docker Desktop for macOS

  2. Pull the Docker Images

# Open a Terminal

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Pull images
docker compose pull

# Might take a while but the results should be similar to:
Pulling redis-server ... done
Pulling node-server  ... done
Pulling python       ... done
Pulling jupyter      ... done
Pulling fluentd      ... done
pulling fastapi      ... done
  1. Start the Server
# Open a Terminal

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Start Server

# To Stop the Server


  1. Install Docker for ubuntu
  • Do not install Docker Desktop for Ubuntu. Instead, install Docker Engine for Ubuntu
  • Have a sudo capable user account (not root)
# Open a Terminal

# Install docker
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

# Add the user to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker [username]

# Create the new group
newgrp docker

# Close terminal and open a new one
  • Test docker installation
# Open a Terminal

# Check docker status
docker ps

# Run the test container hello-world
docker run --rm hello-world

# It pulls hello-world image
# It runs the image
# It deletes the container after it is done
  1. Install NodeJS 20.xx
  • Installation using NodeSource repository
# Open a Terminal

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Test NodeJS installation
# Open a Terminal
node -v
  1. Download a SAGE3 server package:
# Open a Terminal

# Move the downloaded file to your user's home folder
mv SAGE3-1.2-linux-arm64.tgz ~
cd ~

# Extract file
tar xvfz SAGE3-1.2-linux-arm64.tgz
cd SAGE3-1.2
  1. Copy your SSL Certificates to the configurations folder. There should be two files, your PRIVATE key and the CERTIFICATE file
# Open a Terminal

# Copy SSL Certs to the SAGE3 Keys folder. Remember these names for later when setting up the configuration file (step 7).
cp PRIVATE_KEY_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
cp CERTIFICATE_FILE ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys
  1. Generate JWT Keys and Token
# Open a Terminal

# Switch to the SAGE3 Node Keys Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations/node/keys

# Generate JWT Keys and Token
  1. Edit the .env File
# Open a Terminal

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Edit .env file with your preferred editor
vim .env
TOKEN= # token value copied without “” from: configurations/node/keys/token.json
  1. Edit the Configuration file sage3-prod.hjson
# Open a Terminal

# Change directory to the SAGE3 Server Node Folder
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2/configurations

# Edit the sage3-prod.hjson file with your preferred editor
# The file is documented with instructions.
vim sage3-prod.hjson
  1. Pull the Docker Images
# Open a Terminal

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Pull images
docker compose pull

# Might take a while but results should be:
Pulling redis-server ... done
Pulling node-server  ... done
Pulling python       ... done
Pulling jupyter      ... done
Pulling fluentd      ... done
pulling fastapi      ... done
  1. Start the Server
# Open a Terminal

# Change to the SAGE3 Server Directory
cd ~/SAGE3-1.2

# Start Server

# To Stop the Server


The server configuration file is located here: /configurations/node/sage3-prod.hjson.

This is a JSON file that support comments and slightly more relaxed syntax. Make sure to stop the server (./STOP) before editing the file, and restart the server afterwards (./GO)

This file allows you to configure your server to your specific needs.

   // Is the server in production mode.
   // Leave as true if you are deploying your server.
  "production": true,

   // Name of the server to show in the UI
  "serverName": "My Local Server",

  // HTTP Settings
  "port": 443,
  "tlsVersion": "TLSv1.2",

  // SSL Certificate names
  "ssl": {
    // Located in the `/configurations/node/keys' folder
    "certificateFile": "localhost-server.crt",
    "certificateKeyFile": "localhost-server.key"

  // These can be left alone, they are used to find the assets
  "root": ".",
  "public": "dist/apps/homebase/assets",
  "assets": "dist/apps/webapp/assets/",

  // Redis Database Config
  "redis": {
    // The Redis Database URL.
    // If using the default deployment, leave as such.
    "url": "redis://redis-server:6379"

  // Fluentd log configuration
  "fluentd": {
    "server": "fluentd-server",
    "port": 24224,
    "databaseLevel": "partial" // all | partial | none

  // Fastapi python server
  "fastapi": {
    "url": "http://fastapi:8000"

 // External Services
 "services": {
    // To enable screen sharing you must register for a Twilio account.
    // Video Rooms is the Twilio feature we use for ScreenSharing.
    // After setting this, ensure 'Screenshare' is in the 'features.apps` array.
    twilio: {
      // Your Account SID from
      accountSid: "",
      // API Key.
      apiKey: "",
      // API Secret
      apiSecret: ""
    "openai": {
      // API Key
      "apiKey": "",
      // Model name: gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, davinci, ...
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
    "codellama": {
      "url": "",
      "apiKey": "",
      "max_tokens": 400
    "yolo": {
      "url": "",
      "apiKey": ""

  // How to enable/disable some features for safety
  "features": {
    // Enable Plugins. Allows uploading of Webapps.
    plugins: true,
    // Which Apps to enable.  Available Apps:
    apps: ["Chat", "ChartMaker", "CodeEditor", "MapGL", "Notepad", "SageCell", "Stickie", "Screenshare", "Webview", "Poll", "Hawaii Mesonet"]

  // Auth Configuration
  "auth": {
    // Secret HASH for the sessions. Change this to something unique.
    "sessionSecret": "SUPERSECRET!!$$",
    // Max age for a session per user. In milliseconds. 7 days
    "sessionMaxAge": 604800000,
    // Which login strategies to enable for the server.
    // If you enbable them ensure you add the relevant config information below.
    "strategies": [
    // A List of emails to enable those users to be admins.
    // This will enable a ADMIN page for these users.
    "admins": [],
    // Guest configuration
    "guestConfig": {
      // Endpoint for the guest login. No need to change this
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/guest"
    // Spectator configuration
    "spectatorConfig": {
      // Endpoint for the spectator login. No need to change this
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/spectator"
    // Google configuration
    "googleConfig": {
      // Client ID from the Google Developer Console
      "clientID": "",
      // Client Secret from the Google Developer Console
      "clientSecret": "",
      // Endpoint for the google login
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/google",
      // Callback URL for the google login
      "callbackURL": "/auth/google/redirect"
    // Apple configuration
    "appleConfig": {
      // It is the service id name
      "clientID": "",
      // Your Apple developer team ID
      "teamID": "",
      // Key ID
      "keyID": "",
      // Private key file location
      "privateKeyLocation": "./keys/apple-key.p8",
      "callbackURL": "/auth/apple/redirect",
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/apple"
    // JWT configuration
    "jwtConfig": {
      // The issuer of the JWT
      "issuer": "[email protected]",
      // The audience of the JWT
      "audience": "",
      // Public key location. Leave this alone
      "publicKey": "./keys/jwt_public.pem",
      // JWT Route endpoint
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/jwt"
    // CILogon configuration
    "cilogonConfig": {
      // Client ID from CILogon
      "clientID": "",
      // Client Secret from CILogon
      "clientSecret": "",
      // Endpoint for the cilogon login
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/cilogon",
      // Callback URL for the cilogon login
      "callbackURL": "/auth/cilogon/redirect"
  // Namespace for signing UUID v5 keys: generate yours or

Status and problem solving

To check if the state of the system, you can use docker commands:

  • List the docker images present on the system:
> docker images
REPOSITORY                     TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
sage3/next                     arm64     f4a12118d9de   19 hours ago   2.81GB
jupyter/datascience-notebook   latest    0eec664fc1da   2 days ago     4.34GB
redis/redis-stack-server       latest    6e2ccdafd235   5 days ago     256MB
sage3/foresight                arm64     5e0d6c0a484c   10 days ago    1.32GB
  • Check system status
> docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                      NAMES
904b5100f02e   sage3/foresight:arm64             "python"        18 hours ago   Up 18 hours                                        sage3-10-python-1
4c28afb5774a   sage3/next:arm64                  "docker-entrypoint.s…"   18 hours ago   Up 4 hours (healthy)>443/tcp       sage3-10-node-server-1
df5c2ded42d9   jupyter/datascience-notebook      "tini -g -- /conf/st…"   18 hours ago   Up 18 hours (healthy)>8888/tcp     sage3-10-jupyter-1
be99c7f9d29e   redis/redis-stack-server:latest   "redis-server /conf/…"   18 hours ago   Up 18 hours   >6379/tcp   sage3-10-redis-server-1
  • See logs of a container
> docker logs sage3-10-node-server-1
Mode> production
HTTPS> listening on port 443
Google Login> Setup done
Apple Login> Setup done
JWT> Login setup done
Guest Login> Setup done
CILogon Login> Setup done


Google Login

To enable Google Login for users from the Login page you must setup a Google Cloud account. Google OAuth is a free service that allows users to sign into SAGE3 with their Google Accounts.

  1. Login to your Google account from the Google Cloud Platform website.

  2. Click Console in the upper right corner.


  1. Create a New Project from the Manage Resources page. Can be found using the search box at the top of the page.


  1. Enter the information and click Create. (The information here is just organization/hierarchy information.) It might take a few minutes for it to be created.
  1. Go back to the homepage by clicking the Google Cloud icon in the upper left corner.

  2. From the drop down menu at the top of the page select your newly created project.

  1. Open the Credentials page from the main dropdown menu.

  1. Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID

  1. If it requests to Configure Consent Screen click the button. If not continue to step 15.

  2. OAuth Consent Screen. Select External and click create. Enter the information below. All the other fields can be left blank.

  • App name: The Name of the SAGE3 Server.
  • User support email: The email of the person managing your SAGE3 server.
  • Authorized Domain: The domain of your SAGE3 Server. (Ex. For it is
  • Developer contact information: The email of the person managing your SAGE3 server.
  1. Scopes. Click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES and select ../auth/ and ../auth/userinfo.profile then click UPDATE. Then click SAVE AND CONTINUE

  1. Test Users. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE

  2. Summary. Click BACK TO DASHBOARD

  3. Create OAuth client ID.

  • Application Type: Web application.
  • Name: The name of your OAuth 2.0 client. This name is only used to identify the client in the console and will not be shown to end users.
  • Authorized JavaScript origin: Click ADD URI and enter you server's URL. (Ex.
  • Authorized Redirect URIs: Click ADD URI and enter you server's URL with the route /auth/google/redirect attached. (Ex.
  1. Click CREATE and you should be shown the following screen with your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

  1. Copy the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET into the SAGE3 Server Configuration file located here: /configurations/node/sage3-prod.hjson. They should be copied in the auth.googleConfig fields under clientID and clientSecret.

  2. Ensure within the SAGE3 Server Configuration you have google listed in the auth.strategies array.

Test logging into your SAGE3 server using the Login with Google button on the homepage.


Apple Login

    // Apple configuration
    "appleConfig": {
      // This is actually called the "Service ID" that you created in the 'Identifiers' section
      "clientID": "something com.sage3.blabla",
      // Your Apple developer team ID: 10-character string, upper-case letters and numbers
      "teamID": "XXXXXXXXXX",
      // keyID is the identifier for the private key you generated: 10-character string, upper-case letters and numbers
      "keyID": "XXXXXXXXXX",
      // Private key file location that you downloaded
      "privateKeyLocation": "./keys/apple-key.p8",
      // The URL that Apple will call back after login, no need to change
      "callbackURL": "/auth/apple/redirect",
      "routeEndpoint": "/auth/apple"


To enable CILogon Login for users from the Login page you must request a CILogon. CILogon provides a standards-compliant OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0) interface to federated authentication for cyberinfrastructure.

Instructions to do so are located here:

CILogon OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0)

To register, use this link: CILogon Client Registration

  • Client Name: The Client Name is displayed to end-users on the Identity Provider selection page.
  • Contact Email: This email address is used for operational notices regarding your client and for validating your affiliation. A mailing list address for your operations team is recommended.
  • Home URL: URL of the Server (Ex.
  • Callback URLs: To ensure CILogon redirects back to the SAGE3 server after the user logins, postfix your server URL with: /auth/cilogon/redirect. (Ex.
  • Client Type: Confidential
  • Scopes: Ensure openid and email are selected.
  • Refresh Tokens: No

After Registering the Client you should be shown a Client Identifier and Client Secret.


Copy this down somewhere safe. OpenID OIDC should email you at the contact email from above within a day or two to confirm your request has been approved.

With in the Server Configuration file configurations/node/sage3-prod.hjson under the auth.cilogonConfig paste the Client Identifier and the Client Secret into their respective fields. Also ensure the array auth.strategies contains cilogon to enable the feature.

Test logging into your SAGE3 server using the Login with CILogon button on the homepage.


Which should redirect to a page that looks like:



Twilio provides programmable communication tools for handling the Screenshare portion of SAGE3. It's an affordable option and allows multiple screenshares within board. SAGE3 uses Twilio's Video Groups and more information about it can be found here.

To enable screen sharing on your SAGE3 server:

  1. Signup for a Twilio Account. Twilio Registration

  2. Verify your account.

  3. After creating you should be shown the page below. Select:

  • Video
  • Other
  • With code
  • JavaScript
  • No, I want to use my own hosting service

Then click Get Started with Twilio.


  1. Navigate to the Auth Token & API Keys

  1. Click Create API key

  2. Fill in the form.

  • Friendly name: A friendly name for this API Key that shows in the Twilio console.
  • Region: Select the region that is closest to the majority of your SAGE3 users.
  • Key type: Standard

  1. You will then be shown your SID and Secret. Copy these down somewhere safe. Click Done.

  2. Navigate to the Auth Token & API Keys

  3. Under Live credentials copy down the Account SID.

  4. You will now have three keys/tokens. Account SID, SID, and Secret.

  5. Copy these keys/tokens to the SAGE3 Server Configuration file located /configurations/node/sage3-prod.hjson. Under the services.twilio enter the three keys/tokens into the following fields:

  • accountSid: Account SID
  • apiKey: SID
  • apiSecret: Secret
  1. Ensure the "Screenshare" app is enabled by adding "Screenshare" to the features.apps array in the SAGE3 Server Configuration file located /configurations/node/sage3-prod.hjson.