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A service that queries the data from an MG iSMART account and publishes the data over MQTT and to other sources


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A service that queries the data from an MG iSMART account and publishes the data over MQTT.

MG iSMART is the connectivity system in your MG car (MG5, MG4, ZS...).

The implementation is based on the findings from the SAIC-iSmart-API Documentation project.


  • You have an iSMART account (can be created in the iSMART app)
  • Your car needs to be registered to your account


Configuration parameters can be provided as command line parameters or environment variables (this is what you typically do when you run the service from a docker container).


CMD param ENV variable Description
-u or --saic-user SAIC_USER SAIC user name - required
-p or --saic-password SAIC_PASSWORD SAIC password - required
--saic-phone-country-code SAIC_PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE Phone country code, used if the username is not an email address
--saic-rest-uri SAIC_REST_URI SAIC API URI. Default is the European Production endpoint:
--saic-region SAIC_REGION SAIC API region. Default is eu.
--saic-tenant-id SAIC_TENANT_ID SAIC API tenant ID. Default is 459771.
--saic-relogin-delay SAIC_RELOGIN_DELAY The gateway detects logins from other devices (e.g. the iSMART app). It then pauses it's activity for 900 seconds (default value). The delay can be configured with this parameter.
--messages-request-interval MESSAGES_REQUEST_INTERVAL The interval for retrieving messages in seconds. Default is 60 seconds.
--battery-capacity-mapping BATTERY_CAPACITY_MAPPING Mapping of VIN to full battery capacity. Multiple mappings can be provided separated by ',' Example: LSJXXXX=54.0,LSJYYYY=64.0
--charge-min-percentage CHARGE_MIN_PERCENTAGE How many % points we should try to refresh the charge state. 1.0 by default
--publish-raw-api-data PUBLISH_RAW_API_DATA_ENABLED Publish raw SAIC API request/response to MQTT. Disabled (False) by default.

API Endpoints

The following are the known available endpoints:

SAIC_REST_URI SAIC_REGION Notes au This endpoint is not used by the iSmart app for Australia and New Zealand but has been tested and proven to work in these countries. eu

MQTT Broker

CMD param ENV variable Description
-m or --mqtt-uri MQTT_URI URI to the MQTT Server. TCP: tcp://, WebSocket: ws:// or TLS: tls:// - Leave it empty to disable MQTT connection
--mqtt-server-cert MQTT_SERVER_CERT Path to the server certificate authority file in PEM format is required for TLS
--mqtt-user MQTT_USER MQTT user name
--mqtt-password MQTT_PASSWORD MQTT password
--mqtt-client-id MQTT_CLIENT_ID MQTT Client Identifier. Defaults to saic-python-mqtt-gateway.
--mqtt-topic-prefix MQTT_TOPIC Provide a custom MQTT prefix to replace the default: saic
MQTT_LOG_LEVEL Log level of the MQTT Client: INFO (default), use DEBUG for detailed output, use CRITICAL for no output, more info

Home Assistant Integration

CMD param ENV variable Description
--ha-discovery HA_DISCOVERY_ENABLED Home Assistant auto-discovery is enabled (True) by default. It can be disabled (False) with this parameter.
--ha-discovery-prefix HA_DISCOVERY_PREFIX The default MQTT prefix for Home Assistant auto-discovery is 'homeassistant'. Another prefix can be configured with this parameter
--ha-show-unavailable HA_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE Show entities as Unavailable in Home Assistant when car polling fails. Enabled (True) by default. Can be disabled, to retain the pre 0.6.x behaviour, but do that at your own risk.

A Better Route Planner (ABRP) integration

Telemetry data from your car can be provided to ABRP. Be aware that this is not done by default. The data will be sent only if you provide the mapping of your vehicle identification number (VIN) to an ABRP user token.

Those parameters can be used to allow the MQTT Gateway to send data to ABRP API

CMD param ENV variable Description
--abrp-api-key ABRP_API_KEY API key for the A Better Route Planner telemetry API. Default is the open source telemetry API key 8cfc314b-03cd-4efe-ab7d-4431cd8f2e2d.
--abrp-user-token ABRP_USER_TOKEN Mapping of VIN to ABRP User Token. Multiple mappings can be provided separated by ',' Example: LSJXXXX=12345-abcdef,LSJYYYY=67890-ghijkl
--publish-raw-abrp-data PUBLISH_RAW_ABRP_DATA_ENABLED Publish raw ABRP API request/response to MQTT. Disabled (False) by default.

OsmAnd Integration (e.g. Traccar)

Telemetry data from your car can be provided to a generic fleet tracking software supporting the OsmAnd protocol like Traccar

Those parameters can be used to allow the MQTT Gateway to send data to an OsmAnd-compatibile server.

CMD param ENV variable Description
--osmand-server-uri OSMAND_SERVER_URI The URL of your OsmAnd Server
--osmand-device-id OSMAND_DEVICE_ID Mapping of VIN to OsmAnd Device Id. Multiple mappings can be provided separated by ',' Example: LSJXXXX=12345-abcdef,LSJYYYY=67890-ghijkl. Defaults to use the car VIN as Device Id if unset
--publish-raw-osmand-data PUBLISH_RAW_OSMAND_DATA_ENABLED Publish raw ABRP OSMAND request/response to MQTT. Disabled (False) by default.

OpenWB Integration

CMD param ENV variable Description
--charging-stations-json CHARGING_STATIONS_JSON Custom charging stations configuration file name

If your charging station also provides information over MQTT or if you somehow manage to publish information from your charging station, the MQTT gateway can benefit from it. In addition, the MQTT gateway can provide the SoC to your charging station.

An openWB charging station is capable of providing information over MQTT for instance. You just need to provide the configuration in the file charging-stations.json. A sample configuration for two cars connected to an openWB charging station would be the following.

Check-out the sample file

The key-value pairs in the JSON express the following:

JSON key Description
chargeStateTopic topic indicating the charge state - required
chargingValue payload that indicates the charging - required
socTopic topic where the gateway publishes the SoC for the charging station - optional
rangeTopic topic where the gateway publishes the range for the charging station - optional
chargerConnectedTopic topic indicating that the vehicle is connected to the charging station - optional
chargerConnectedValue payload that indicates that the charger is connected - optional
vin vehicle identification number to map the charging station information to a vehicle - required

Advanced settings

CMD param ENV variable Description
LOG_LEVEL Log level: INFO (default), use DEBUG for detailed output, use CRITICAL for no output, more info

Running the service

From Command-line

To run the service from the command line you need to have Python version 3.12 or later. Launch the MQTT gateway with the mandatory parametersn and, optionally, the url to the MQTT broker.

$ python ./ -m tcp://my-broker-host:1883 -u <saic-user> -p <saic-pwd>

In a docker container

Build the image yourself with the Dockerfile or download the image from docker hub.

Building the docker image

$ docker build -t saic-mqtt-gateway .

There is a docker compose file that shows how to set up the service.

Commands over MQTT

The MQTT Gateway subscribes to MQTT topics where it is listening for commands. Every topic in the table below starts with the default vehicle prefix: saic/<saic_user>/vehicles/<vehicle_id>

Topic Value range Description
/drivetrain/hvBatteryActive/set true/false Overwrite high voltage battery state (Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing!)
/drivetrain/charging/set true/false Start (true) or stop (false) charging. Stopping works fine, starting is not so reliable yet
/drivetrain/socTarget/set [40,50,60,70,80,90,100] Target SoC in percent. Only values from the defined value range are valid.
/drivetrain/chargingSchedule/set JSON Payload. Fields are startTime, endTime and mode Set the charging schedule.
/drivetrain/chargeCurrentLimit/set [6A,8A,16A,MAX] Set the charge current limit in Ampere. Only values from the defined value range are valid.
/drivetrain/batteryHeating/set true/false Start (true) or stop (false) battery heating. The car may refuse the command if it is deemed unnecessary
/drivetrain/batteryHeatingSchedule/set JSON Payload. Fields are startTime and mode Set the battery heating schedule. Mode can be either on or off
/doors/boot/set true/false Lock or unlock boot
/doors/locked/set true/false Lock or unlock your car. This is not always working. It might take some time until it takes effect. Don't trust this feature. Use your car key!
/climate/remoteTemperature/set temperature Set A/C temperature
/climate/remoteClimateState/set on/off/front/blowingonly Turn A/C on or off, activate A/C blowing (front) or blowing only (blowingonly)
/climate/heatedSeatsFrontLeftLevel/set 0-3 or 0-1 depending on model Set heated seats level for the front left seat. Some cars have three levels while others just an on-off switch. 0 means OFF
/climate/heatedSeatsFrontRightLevel/set 0-3 or 0-1 depending on model Set heated seats level for the front right seat. Some cars have three levels while others just an on-off switch. 0 means OFF
/climate/rearWindowDefrosterHeating/set on/off Turn rear window defroster heating on or off. This is not always working. It might take some time until it takes effect.
/climate/frontWindowDefrosterHeating/set on/off Turn front window defroster heating on or off
/refresh/mode/set periodic/off/force The gateway queries the vehicle and charge status periodically after a vehicle start event has happened (default value: periodic. The periodic refresh can be switched off (value: off). A refresh can also be forced (value: force).
/refresh/period/active/set refresh interval (sec) In case a vehicle start event has occurred, the gateway queries the status every 30 seconds (default value). The refresh interval can be modified with this topic.
/refresh/period/inActive/set refresh interval (sec) Vehicle and charge status are queried once per day (default value: 86400) independently from any event. Changing this to a lower value might affect the 12V battery of your vehicle. Be very careful!
/refresh/period/afterShutdown/set refresh interval (sec) After the vehicle has been shutdown, the gateway queries the status every 120 seconds (default value). The refresh interval can be modified with this topic.
/refresh/period/inActiveGrace/set grace period (sec) After the vehicle has been shutdown, the gateway continues to query the state for 600 seconds (default value). The duration of this extended query period can be modified with this topic.
/location/findMyCar/set [activate,lights_only,horn_only,stop] Activate 'find my car' with lights and horn (activate), with lights only (lights_only), with horn only (horn_only) or deactivate it (stop).

Home Assistant auto-discovery

The gateway supports Home Assistant MQTT discovery. It publishes configuration information so that the vehicle appears as a MQTT device. This will save you a lot of configuration effort since all the entities provided by the vehicle will automatically show-up in Home Assistant.


A service that queries the data from an MG iSMART account and publishes the data over MQTT and to other sources








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