"CleanUp_RAW_files.py" executable script searches for any RAW image files that are left without any corresponding .jpg files after picture sorting. It MOVES the orphaned files to a "ToDelete_folder" (to be deleted as user wants).
no compilation or installation is needed.
- drop the CleanUp_RAW_files.py file into the folder you want to clean up. (it scans all sub-folders!)
- "open" the .py file with Python. (Python 3 must be installed in Windows)
- after the scan, press "y" to confirm that you want to remove all orphaned files.
- check the "ToDelete_folder" next to the .py file and recycle it as you wish. DONE.
- find a recognized RAW or Sidecar file among "Known_RAW_File_types" (add any extensions that you need!)
- check if there is any .JPG file that starts with the same filename
- if not, highlight and offer to move away the orphaned RAW/sidecar file for deletion, DONE.
Tested on Windows 10, but should work on Linux or other OS.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48757748/removing-orphaned-sidecar-files-by-extension https://www.lightroomqueen.com/community/threads/finding-and-deleting-jpg-sidecar-files.17747/