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To quench the insatiable thirst of a certain Bholanath This Graphics Programming is made for Bhola to contribute

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Using p5 Java Scripts

PreRequisites for checking Graphics Programs for BholaNath:

  1. p5 JS. Get from HERE
  2. Git version control system and code sharing. Get from HERE and HERE

Check the folder p5 for more projects. @Somnath : Contribute in the folder p5 for sharing code

Here are some images from p5:

Sky is Pink


Using Python

PreRequisites for checking Graphics Programs for BholaNath:

  1. Python Interpreter version 3.7. Get from HERE
  2. Install the Graphics PyPi Package. Get from HERE


by Sumit Das

Created 2019 05 19

Here is an image of a BholaCircle

Bhola Circle

Here is an image of BholaLine

Bhola Line

Here is an image of TwoBholaLine

Bhola TwoLines

Here is an image of ThreeBholaLine

Bhola ThreeLines

Here is an image of ParallelVerticalLine

Bhola ParallelVerticalLines

Here is an image of ParallelHorizontalLine

Bhola ParallelHorizontalLines

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For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.


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Contributors 4

