🔗 Documents to our project. | Further documentation in our 🔗 Wiki |
You need to have .NET 8
and iisexpress amd64
installed on your local system.
- Open /Backend/Backend.sln with Rider
- Click the Run-button at the top right
- Wait till the Swagger UI opens in your browser
- Start Shell
- Insert the following commands:
cd C:\Users\[userName]\IdeaProjects\CookHub\Backend\API
dotnet run --launch-profile https --urls=https://localhost:44328/
- After successfull build and start open in browser the following url:
- A certification problem could appear when the certificate isn't working as expected. Then you need to manually trust the certificate via console:
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
If you'd like to use a script to start the backend create a .bat file and insert the code below. Mind to change "[userName]" with your actual local user name in windows and if you're not using "chrome" to change it too.
@echo off
cd C:\Users\[userName]\IdeaProjects\CookHub\Backend\API
start chrome https://localhost:44328/swagger/index.html
dotnet run --launch-profile https --urls=https://localhost:44328/
timeout /t 10 > nul
Open the Frontend folder in WebStorm / IntelliJ
(If you need to install/update dependencies, run npm install in the terminal)
Run npm start in the terminal
Wait till the frontend opens in your browser
Also to start the frontend via HTTPS you need to replace "npm start" with:
($env:HTTPS = "true") -and (npm start)
If it doesn't work -> Nick is to blame