These directions (and all following directions) REQUIRE that you successfully installed Linux in the first step.
Inside of a bash shell (i.e., after running bash
- Run
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs-legacy
$ sudo apt-get install -y npm
Read the output and ensure that everything has installed correctly.
- Using your newly-installed npm, install nodemon to help run our node apps more efficiently.
$ sudo npm install -g nodemon
Follow the MongoDB instructions for Ubuntu through the end. After finishing the installation, run
which mongod
with a d) to check that it's installed. -
$ cd /
$ sudo mkdir -p data/db
$ sudo chown -R YOUR-USERNAME-HERE data/db
to set up the directory where MongoDB will store its data.
RoboMongo is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool to let us see the data in our Mongo databases. Let's install that now.
- Go to and download the free (community) edition.
- Install it!
Awesome work! Last up: the Ruby on Rails Stack!
- Set up your Development Environment:
- The BASH Command Line
- Developer Tools
- Set up your Web Technologies:
- Node Stack
- Ruby on Rails Stack