2018-09-26 - WebApp packages release
This Release contains updates to packages with severe vulnerabilities, and an update to ruby 2.3, along with a few small fixes.
- Add commas to Maximum deposit value in listing
- #159709659 - Format max deposit number as currency
- Update housing counselor information
- Features/Update housing counselor info - #159635879
- Update confirmation listing to say 'Do Not Submit Another Application for this listing'
- Features/Add 'for this listing' to confirmation message - #159739412
- Fix order of words for Filipino Phrase from "[LISTING NAME] Aplikasyon" to "Aplikasyon para sa [LISTING NAME]"
- Bugs/fix filipino short form header #159289892
- Update ruby to version 2.3.7, restforce to 3.0.0
- Chores/Update ruby 2.3.7 #159944835
- Upgrade npm modules with high severity vulnerability warnings
- Chores/update npm high vulnerability [#159945747]