HELP (/help)
- It will print this README
VERIFIER (/sfsu-verification :SFSU-email)
- Input valid SFSU email
- Recieve a code sent via email (check spam aswell)
- Reply to the Bot's DM with the code
- If correct, you should have the SFSU student role in the server
SECRET TALK (/secret-talk :message)
- Input your secret message
- The Bot will encrypt it into base64
- You will get the decryption key to share
DECRYPT TEXT (/decrypt-cipher :cipher :key)
- Put in the hidden text with the right key to see the message
EVENT REMINDER (automatic)
- The Bot will check everymidnight for scheduled events
- For every event, the Bot will start a timer for 5 minutes before the event
- The reminder will be posted in the announcements chat
- Posts a random quote from St. IGNUcius of the Church of Emacs everyday