Release 4.1.0
New features
Provide version of module via 'OnNewStatusModuleVersion'
Function 'saveAllModuleConfigs' to trigger multiple / all running CSK modules to save their persistent data
Function to reload all apps ('reloadApps')
Function to reboot device ('rebootDevice')
Check if features of module can be used on device and provide this via 'OnNewStatusModuleIsActive' event / 'getStatusModuleActive' function
Function 'resetAllModules' and event 'OnResetAllModules' so that other modules can react by loading their default setup
Function 'removeData' to remove all data of current DataSet
Function 'getCurrentParameterInfo' to get info what parameter file is currently in use
Extra thread to trigger other modules to load their specific parameters if event 'OnNewDataToLoad' was notified
New parameter for 'loadContent' to controle if other modules directly should react to new parameters
New UI design available (selectable via 'setUIStyle')
Added UI icon and browser tab information
Added some documentation
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