- Clone / Download the Repo
git clone https://github.com/SJSURoboticsTeam/urc-control_systems-2021.git
- Change into the Repo's Directory
cd urc-control_systems-2021/
- Create new branch from current branch (since this is new project it is master branch)
git checkout -b some-branch-name
- Stage all the files you want to commit to git version control system. You can add multiple files at a time.
git add name.cpp of.cpp files.cpp here.hpp
- Add a commit message describing what you changed.
git commit -m 'example of a commit message'
- Push local git commits to github. Will push according to the branch you are currently on.
git push
- Go to the Repo's GitHub website
- Go to the Pull Request tab and click 'New Pull Request' button.
- Select your branch that you want to make a pull request with using the 'compare' drop down list.
- Click 'Create Pull Request'
- Within the pull request description make sure to link the Pull Request to a GitHub Issue found within the SJSURoboticsTeam/urc-central-2021 repo. Then add the following 'Resolves SJSURoboticsTeam/urc-central-2021/issues/#'
Example:Resolves SJSURoboticsTeam/urc-central-2021/issues/100
git status
- Shows all the files you have changed and have not yet committed.
git branch
- Shows the recent branches you've used and your current branch.
git pull origin/master
- Used for merging code with master when there are code conflicts. Need to be on development branch to use.