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OpenApi Spec Configuration

Lukas Ruegner edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

When installing the plugin with install(SwaggerUI), sensible default values will be used and can be overwritten when required.

More information can be found here:

install(SwaggerUI) {
    info {
        title = "Example API"
        version = "latest"
        summary = "An example api."
        description = "This i an example api."
        termsOfService = ""
        contact {
            name = "Mr. Example"
            url = ""
            email = "[email protected]"
        license {
            name = "Example License"
            url = ""
            identifier = "Apache-2.0"
    externalDocs {
        url = ""
        description = "Project documentation"
    server {
        url = "localhost"
        description = "local dev-server"
        variable("version") {
            default = "1.0"
            enum = setOf("1.0", "2.0", "3.0")
            description = "the version of the server api"
    security {
        defaultUnauthorizedResponse {
            description = "Username or password is invalid"
        defaultSecuritySchemeNames = setOf("MySecurityScheme")
        securityScheme("MySecurityScheme") {
            type = AuthType.HTTP
            scheme = AuthScheme.BASIC
    tags {
        tagGenerator = { url -> listOf(url.firstOrNull()) }
        tag("users") {
            description = "routes to manage users"
            externalDocUrl = ""
            externalDocDescription = "Users documentation"
    outputFormat = OutputFormat.JSON
Property Description Default
info OpenAPI info configuration - provides metadata about the API.
info.title The title of the api. "API"
info.version The version of the OpenAPI document. "latest"
info.description A short description of the API. null
info.summary A short summary of the API. null
info.termsOfService A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. null The contact information for the exposed API. The identifying name of the contact person/organization. null The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL. null The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address. null
info.license The license information for the exposed API. The license name used for the API. null
info.license.url A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. The url-field is mutually exclusive of the identifier-field. null
info.license.identifier An SPDX ( license expression for the API. The identifier-field is mutually exclusive of the url-field. null
externalDocs OpenAPI external docs configuration - link and description of an external documentation.
externalDocs.url A URL to the external documentation. "/"
externalDocs.description A short description of the external documentation. null
server OpenAPI server configuration - an array of servers, which provide connectivity information to a target server. Multiple servers can be configured by repeating this block. empty
server.url A URL to the target host. This URL supports Server Variables and MAY be relative, to indicate that the host location is relative to the location where the OpenAPI document is being served. "/"
server.description An optional string describing the host designated by the URL. null
server.variable(name) Server Variables for server URL template substitution. Multiple variables with different names can be specified by repeating this block empty
server.variable(name).default The default value to use for substitution. Must be in the list of enums. null or the first entry in server.variable(name).enum
server.variable(name).enum An enumeration of string values to be used if the substitution options are from a limited set. Must not be empty. empty
server.variable(name).description An optional description for this server variable. null
security Configuration for security and authentication.
security.defaultUnauthorizedResponse Default response to automatically add to each protected route for the "Unauthorized"-Response-Code. Generated response can be overwritten with custom response. See TODO for more information. null
security.defaultSecuritySchemeNames The names of the security schemes available for use for the protected paths. empty
security.securityScheme(schemeName) Defines security schemes that can be used by operations. Multiple different security-schemes can be defined by repeating this block.
security.securityScheme(schemeName).description A short description of the security scheme. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).type The type of the security scheme. Can be API_KEY, HTTP, OAUTH2, OPENID_CONNECT or MUTUAL_TLS. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).name The name scheme and of the header, query or cookie parameter to be used. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).scheme The name of the HTTP Authorization scheme to be used. Required for type HTTP. Can be BASIC, BEARER, DIGEST, HOBA, MUTUAL, OAUTH, SCRAM_SHA_1, SCRAM_SHA_256 or VAPID. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).location The location of the API key. Required for type API_KEY. Can be QUERY, HEADER or COOKIE. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).bearerFormat A hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted. Used for type HTTP and schema BEARER. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow Information for the oauth flow types supported. Required for type OAUTH2. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.implicit Configuration for the OAuth Implicit flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.password Configuration for the OAuth Resource Owner Password flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.clientCredentials Configuration for the OAuth Client Credentials flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.authorizationCode Configuration for the OAuth Authorization Code flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.*.authorizationUrl The authorization URL to be used for this flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.*.tokenUrl The token URL to be used for this flow. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.*.refreshUrl The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).flow.*.scopes The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme. A map between the scope name and a short description for it. null
security.securityScheme(schemeName).openIdConnectUrl OpenId Connect URL to discover OAuth2 configuration values. Required for type OPENID_CONNECT null
tags Configuration for openapi-tags.
tags.tagGenerator Automatically add tags to the route with the given url. The returned (non-null) tags will be added to the tags specified in the route-specific documentation. no-op
tags.tag(name) Add additional information to tags used by the api-spec. Not all tags need to be declared here.
tags.tag(name).description A short description for the tag. null
tags.tag(name).externalDocUrl The URL for additional external documentation for this tag. null
tags.tag(name).externalDocDescription A short description of additional external documentation for this tag. null
outputFormat Output format of the api spec, either JSON or YAML JSON
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