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V2 Resources Plugin

Lukas Ruegner edited this page Jun 2, 2024 · 1 revision

Type-safe routes defined with the ktor resources-plugin can be documented exactly the same as normal routes, shown in the following example:

import io.github.smiley4.ktorswaggerui.dsl.resources.get


data class ArticleResponse(
	id: String,
    name: String,

class Articles() {
    class Id(val parent: Articles = Articles(), val id: Long)

routing {
        description = "Returns the article with the given id"
        request {
            pathParameter<String>("id") {
                description = "The id of the requested article"
        response {
        	HttpStatusCode.OK to {
            	description = "Successful Request"
            HttpStatusCode.NotFound to {
            	description = "No article with the requested id exists"
    }) { article ->
        call.respond(ArticleResponse(, "Example Article"))
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