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How to use heat map color formatting

Anthony edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 1 revision

To use a color gradations on a heat map report use the following code in the Report

Public Function HeatMapColorGradate( _
  ByVal Value As Double _
, ByVal MaxPositive As Double _
, ByVal Neutral As Double _
, ByVal ColStr As String) As String
' Purpose:  To use a color gradations on a heatmap report
' Example:  BackgroundColor =Code.HeatMapColorGradate(25, 100, -10, Variables!ColorEventCountGradate.Value)
'           BackgroundColor =Code.HeatMapColorGradate(dayValue, maxValue, 0, "#2322EE")
' Note:     Use a negative number as the "Neutral" number to avoid too light of a color
Const Shd As Double = 255
Dim ColVar1      As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Left(Right(ColStr, 6), 2), 16)
Dim ColVar2      As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Left(Right(ColStr, 4), 2), 16)
Dim ColVar3      As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Right(ColStr, 2), 16) 'Find Largest Range 'Split the #RGB color to R, G, and B components
Dim decPosRange  As Double = Math.Abs(MaxPositive - Neutral) 'Find appropriate color shade
Dim iColor1      As Integer = ColVar1 + CInt(Math.Round((MaxPositive - Value) * ((Shd - ColVar1) / decPosRange)))
Dim iColor2      As Integer = ColVar2 + CInt(Math.Round((MaxPositive - Value) * ((Shd - ColVar2) / decPosRange)))
Dim iColor3      As Integer = ColVar3 + CInt(Math.Round((MaxPositive - Value) * ((Shd - ColVar3) / decPosRange))) 'Return the new color
Dim heatMapColor As String = "#" & iColor1.ToString("X2") & iColor2.ToString("X2") & iColor3.ToString("X2") 'Reduce a shade for each of the R,G,B components

    Return heatMapColor

End Function

To use a specific colors on a heat map report use the following code in the Report

Public Function HeatMapColor(ByVal percent As Double) As String
' Purpose:  To assign specific colors for a heatmap report
' Example:  BackgroundColor =Code.HeatMapColor(25)

    Select Case percent
        Case Is = 0
            Return "Gainsboro"
        Case 0 To 24
            Return "LightBlue"
        Case 25 To 49
            Return "Khaki"
        Case 50 To 74
            Return "Tan"
        Case 75 To 100
            Return "LightCoral"
    End Select

End Function