This is the user interface for the DCE Admin Console.
Follow our guide to ensure you have the appropriate development setup on your machine. You will need Visual Studio Code for the front end UI.
We built the UI for our single page web app using ReactJS, React-Router for URL routing, React-Form API for the conversion forms, Fetch API to make calls to the DCE-WebAPI, and Gulp to automate deployments to our DEV environments.
- Fast, efficient, versatile option for creating a UI
- JSX syntax incorporates HTML with JavaScript
- Create reusable components to incorporate and combine with other components anywhere as needed, providing a consistent look throughout your app and more maintainable code
- High performance with a virtual DOM, which renders only the changes when the app updates instead of re-rendering the entire page
Clone the UI from
git clone [SERVER_NAME]
- From the cmd prompt, navigate into the dce-web folder.
- Run npm install. Verify the installs completed successfully without errors.
- Run npm start. The node start script will run and open the app at http://localhost:3000/.