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made-for-VSCode Last Commit

A set of Genesys Snippets for Visual Studio Code.

Genesys is a prototyping toolkit for use with VSCode. It enables designers and UI developers to quickly create low to high-fidelity prototypes, or even production-ready UI. Genesys provides support for most major design systems (Bootstrap, Material Design, Foundation, Ionic, Tailwind, Tachyons, et. al.) and you can add any others. Additional features include multi-lingual support, automated walk-throughs, on-screen comments, A/B testing, conditional logic, animation, and more--all through markup.

Install Genesys Snippets

Page Templates

Create new pages based on common design systems. Create a new HTML document and type !! to see the available page templates.

Trigger Description Documentation
!html Plain HTML5 page
!!atlassian Atlassian page
!!bs3 Bootstrap 3 page
!!bs4 Bootstrap 4 page
!!bs5 Bootstrap 5 page
!!bulma Bulma page
!!fabric Microsoft Fabric page
!!fluent Microsoft Fluent page
!!foundation Foundation page
!!ionic Ionic page
!!patternfly Red Hat PatternFly page
!!pure Pure.css page
!!mdb Material Design Bootstrap page
!!mds M-Design System page
!!material Material Design page
!!material-lite Material Design Lite page
!!materialize Materialize page
!!metro Metro UI page
!!paper PaperCSS page
!!reveal Reveal.js presentation
!!semantic Semantic UI page
!!shoelace Shoelace Web Components page
!!tailwind Tailwind CSS page
!!uikit UIKit page
!!vue Vue.js page
!!webslides WebSlides presentation


Trigger Description
gns-add-genesys-lite Add the basic Genesys prototyping tools to the page
gns-add-genesys-full Add all of the Genesys prototyping tools to the page
gns-add-analytics Add the analytics library to the page
gns-add-animation Add the Animate & AniJS libraries
gns-add-atlas Add the Atlassian Design System
gns-add-basscss Add the Basscss CSS Low-Level Toolkit
gns-add-bulma Add the Bulma CSS Framework
gns-add-diagram-library Add the Flowchart & Diagramming Library (Mermaid)
gns-add-fluent Add the Microsoft Fluent UI Web Component library
gns-add-font-awesome Add the Font Awesome icon library
gns-add-mdbootstrap Add the Material Design Bootstrap library
gns-add-mdesignsystem Add the M-Design System Web Component library
gns-add-metro Add the Microsoft-based Metro UI library
gns-add-modulz Add the Modulz CSS library
gns-add-paper Add the Paper CSS library
gns-add-patternfly Add the Red Hat PatterFly library
gns-add-pure Add the Pure.css library
gns-add-page-testing Add automated page testing using Gremlins
gns-add-persistence Add the Persistence library (Mavo)
gns-add-roles Add the User Roles (PolyPage) library
gns-add-shoelace Add the Shoelace Web Component library
gns-add-tachyons Add the Tachyons CSS Toolkit
gns-add-tailwind Add the Tailwind CSS framework
gns-add-turret Add the Turret CSS Framework
gns-add-uilang Add the UILang library
gns-add-walkthru Add Intro.js library

Site Maps

Trigger Description
gns-sitemap-add-page Connect a new page block to your sitemap page

Flowcharting & Diagramming

Trigger Description
gns-insert-diagram Insert a flowchart or diagram

Design Placeholders

Trigger Description
gns-placeholder-block Generic Block placeholder
gns-placeholder-image Image placeholder

Common UI Elements

Trigger Description
gns-button Button
gns-header Heading Level (1-6)
gns-link Hyperlink
gns-icon Icon (Font Awesome)

Including Master Page Components

Trigger Description
gns-include Include a partial, reusable page component

Virtual Pages

Trigger Description
gns-virtual-page Add a new Virtual Page

Annotations & Comments

Trigger Description
gns-add-note-library Add the Annotation library
gns-add-note Annotation

Blur, Redact, Hide Data

Trigger Description
gns-blur Blur fake/realistic data and user input
gns-redact Redact fake/realistic data and user input
gns-invisible-ink Hide fake/realistic data and user input

A/B Testing

Trigger Description
gns-add-ab-testing Add the A/B testing library to the page
gns-add-ab-testing-config Add the A/B/ testing library configuration settings
gns-insert-ab-test-scenarios Insert A/B test scenario sections

Measuring Perceived Usability

Trigger Description
gns-feedback-seq Add the Single Ease Question (SEQ) to your page
gns-feedback-sus Add the System Usability Scale (SUS) to your page
gns-feedback-tlx Add the Task Load Index (TLX) to your page

Genesys Page Settings

Add any of the following CSS class names to your prototype page's BODY element. Note that the Genesys Toolbar provides real-time interactive access to these functions as you view your prototypes.

BODY Class What It Does
gns-grid Display the page with visible outlines of all page layout grids
gns-inspect Display the Genesys Page Inspector
gns-lofi Display the page in Low-Fidelity mode
gns-notes Display the page with all (any) page notes/annotations visible
gns-redact Display the page with all fake/realistic data redacted
gns-test Display the page with automated interactive tests running
gns-walkthru Display the page with the automated Walthru feature activated (if present)
gns-toolbar-hide Hide the Genesys Toolbar
gns-footer-hide Hide the Genesys Page Footer

Genesys Object Settings

Add any of the following CSS class names to any page element.

BODY Class What It Does
gns-text-left Left align text
gns-text-center Center text
gns-text-right Right align text
gns-float-left Push the element to the left as far as possible
gns-float-right Push the element to the right as far as possible

Building the Extension

For first time builders, make sure you have Node.js installed, then run:

npm install -g vsce

To build the extension:

  1. If you have made changes, update the package.json file version number appropriately, using Semantic Versioning rules.
  2. Run vsce package


A set of Genesys Snippets for Visual Studio Code.








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