DRL Agent in Concurrent Service Auto-scaling for Knative Resource quota-based Serverless System paper
-input: ML Traffic Prediction of all concurrent services
-output: DRLScaleAction CRD (the Quota-based Knative Hybrid autoscaling Operator uses this as input to apply the scaling action)
- Install DRLScaleAction CRD from https://github.com/mipearlska/knative_drl_operator
- Install requirements (Python >= 3.6.9)
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-venv libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev git
python3 -m venv $HOME/DRL_knative_scale_limit_resources
source $HOME/DRL_knative_scale_limit_resources/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install setuptools==65.5.0 pip==21
pip install wheel==0.38.0
- Then
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then
pip install stable-baselines3
pip install sb3-contrib
- Locust Traffic Generator (https://locust.io/). Recommended install version 2.8.6.
pip3 install locust==2.8.6
- Locust exporter for Prometheus. Locust exporter cannot fetch 95%,50% latency for some recent versions of Locust (> 3).
sudo docker run -d --net=host containersol/locust_exporter
- When deploying Prometheus, add Locust config in values.yaml of Prometheus: job_name = Locust's job parameter in Prometheus query below target = "Host_URL_that_run_Locust:9646"
- job_name: "generator1"
scrape_interval: 2s
- targets: [""]
- job_name: "generator2"
scrape_interval: 2s
- targets: [""]
- job_name: "generator3"
scrape_interval: 2s
- targets: [""]
- Modify a correct Prometheus URL,port in configs/configs.py
- Provide correct Prometheus IP and job_name in get_traffic_metric() function inside def predict(api, model) of the main.py file:
get_traffic_metric("", "generator1", "house")
get_traffic_metric("", "generator2", "senti")
get_traffic_metric("", "generator3", "numbr")
- (Optional) Modify when (which second) to make a prediction in main function of main.py file:
schedule.every().minute.at(":55").do(lambda: predict(api))
- Generate Traffic to service by running locust traffic profile (Given sample profile change traffic amount every 1 minute)
locust -f locustservicetraffic.py
- Run Traffic Prediction service
python main.py