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This layer contains the source code for the logic analyzer example.

This example can be executed on the STM32MP157C/F-DK2 Discovery kit boards.

This layer is linked with the logicanalyser project that contains the source code of the STM32MP157 Cortex-M4 firmware for the logic analyzer example.

This version is based on the STM32MPU-ecosystem-v6.0.0 ecosystem release of the STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution.

The "mx machine" is not used: instead, a patch on the Linux device tree is provided.

Table of Contents

  1. Documentation
  2. HW requirements
  3. SW requirements
  4. How to add the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser layer to your build?
  5. How to use the example?
  6. Extra explanations
  7. Limitations - issues

1. Documentation

2. HW requirements

  • STM32MP157C/F-DK2 Discovery kit board.
  • No hardware modification is needed for this example.

3. SW requirements

  • This example uses GTK for building the UI.

4. How to add the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser layer to your build?

  • Create the working directory to install the baseline:
PC $> cd <working_directory_path>
  • Fetch the openstlinux-6.6-yocto-scarthgap-mpu-v24.11.06 OpenSTLinux version delivered with the STM32MPU-ecosystem-v6.0.0 release as explained here.
  • Add the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser layer (scarthgap branch):
PC $> cd <working_directory_path>/layers/meta-st
PC $> git clone -b scarthgap
  • Configure the build environment as explained here:
    • DISTRO = openstlinux-weston
    • MACHINE = stm32mp15-disco
    • IMAGE = st-image-weston
PC $> cd <working_directory_path>
PC $> DISTRO=openstlinux-weston MACHINE=stm32mp15-disco source layers/meta-st/scripts/
  • Add the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser layer to the image to build:
PC $> pwd
PC $> bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser
  • Build the image as explained here:
PC $> bitbake st-image-weston
  • Populate the SD card thanks to the STM32CubeProgrammer tool as explained here or to the script as explained here.

5. How to use the example?

  1. Press either the "USER1" button or the "USER2" button to start (resp. to stop) the example
  2. Select the sampling frequency (4 MHz per default)
  3. Start the sampling:
  • For high data rate (more than 2 MHz sampling), it relies on a SDB Linux driver which provides DDR buffers allocations, and DDR DMA transfers
  • For low data rate (less or equal to 2 MHz sampling), it relies on virtual UART over RPMSG
  • Data compression algorithm is done on Cortex-M4 side
  • Compressed buffers are transfered to DDR by DMA or virtual UART
  • In order to insure dynamic input data on PE8..12, these ports are initialized as output. Values are changed every 23 times
  • On user interface, refresh is done every new MB of compressed data

6. Extra explanations

For more details, see the "How to exchange data buffers with the coprocessor" wiki article.

7. Limitations - issues

Nothing to report.


Application example: high data rate exchange from Cortex-M4 to Cortex-A7







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