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A December of Algorithms is a small collection of algorithms to implement this December. Finish it all to get a certificate. πŸŽ„


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Welcome to A December of Algorithms (2021). After overwhelming responses from previous years, we present you with a new collection of algorithms to implement this December. Each Day, Each Algorithm ;) Finish them all to get a certificate :)

Send a pull request only after completing all 31 algorithms.

Please submit all PRs on or before January 10th 11:59 PM IST.

What Do I Do?

We have a small collection of algorithms, one for every day of the month. Scroll down to take a look at them. All you need to do is fork this repository, implement all 31 algorithms and send a pull request over to us. Check out our FAQ for more information.



December 1 - Elegant facelift

Problem Statement

  • There is a collection of necklaces where each necklace has various stones embedded in it. Each type of stone is designated by a lowercase letter in the range ascii [a-z].
  • There may be multiple occurrences of a stone in a necklace. A stone is called a facelift if it occurs at least once in each of the necklaces in the collection.
  • Given a list of stones embedded in each of the necklaces, display the number of types of facelift's in the collection.

Sample Input/Output

   Input: arr = ['abcdde', 'baccd', 'eeabg']             
   Output: 2           
   Input: arr = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', β€˜jkl’]                    
   Output: 0


  • In sample input 1, only a and b occur in every necklace. Therefore, the output is 2.
  • In sample input 2, there are no characters repeating in the list. Therefore, the output is 0.

December 2 - Bingo!

Problem Statement

  • Your local community conducts a game night every Saturday and they want you to lead a game of Bingo this weekend. You must come up with numbers to be read out during the game. The numbers can be chosen on the basis of certain criteria.

  • Begins with a positive integer, sum of squares of digits must replace the number. Continue until the number is 1 or loops interminably without including 1.

  • The numbers which end in 1 are to be selected. Return β€˜YES’ if the number is selected, and β€˜NO’ if not.

Sample Input/Output

Input: n = 2
Output: NO
Input: n = 19
Output: YES


 1^2 + 9^2 = 82
 8^2 + 2^2 = 68
 6^2 + 8^2 = 100
 1^2 + 0^2 + 0^2 = 1


December 3 - Lotto!

Problem Statement

  • In a lottery game , each participant can choose a lucky board which is in the form of a 2D (x x y) grid. He/she can win the lottery if they are able to find their name on the lucky board. Find whether a particular participant can win the game or not. Assume that there can be more than one winner who wins the lottery.
  • Return true if the participant wins else return false


  • The name of the participant has to be arranged in a sequentially adjacent manner.
  • The neighbouring alphabets can be horizontal as well as vertical
  • Same alphabet cell cannot be used more than once while forming the name.

Sample Input/Output

Input: [["D","J","O","G"],["W","B","H","S"],["T","Z","N","E"]], name = "JOHN"
Output: true

Input: [["L","N","A","C"],["W","B","A","D"],["T","Z","F","E"]], name = "DEV"
Output: false


December 4 - Sandhya and her Tic-Tac-Toe love

Problem Statement

  • Sandhya likes to play tic-tac-toe (using 2x2 matrix), and uses the elements 0and 1. She is wondering how many matrices with X rows and Y columns there are. Everyone obviously knows that - it is just 2Xβ‹…Y. But what no one knows is that, she considers two identical matrices if and only if by permuting the X no.of rows and then permuting the Y no.of columns, and the resulting matrix is transverse of itself.
  • Help Sandhya by finding the number of XΓ—Y matrices which are distinct according to her definition (even though she doesn't know how to solve them). Since the answer can/may be quite large, compute it modulo 10^9+7.

Sample Input/Output

Input: 1 5
Output: 6
 Input: 10 10
 Output: 508361223


According to Sandhya's definition, there are 6 different binary matrices. 
This is because the number of 1-s uniquely identifies a 1Γ—5 matrix and 
the number of 1-s can take any value between 0 and 5 inclusive.

December 5 - Biscuit Bonanza

Problem Statement

  • A local biscuit store sells only 2 types of biscuits: circular and rectangular biscuits. They are referred to by the numbers 0 and 1 respectively. The customers stand in a queue and they either purchase circular or rectangular biscuits.
  • The number of biscuits is equal to the number of customers. They are placed in a stack.
  • At each step: If the customer at the front of the queue prefers the biscuit on the top of the stack, they will take it and leave the queue.
  • Otherwise, they will directly go to the queue's end.
  • Consider two integer arrays customers and biscuits where biscuits[i] is the type of the ith biscuit in the stack (i = 0 is the top of the stack) and customers[j] is the preference of the jth customer in the initial queue (j = 0 is the front of the queue). This continues until none want to take the top biscuit and are thus unable to eat.
  • Return the number of customers that are unable to eat.

Sample Input and output

customers = [1,1,1,0,1]
biscuits = [1,0,0,0,1,1]

Customers that are unable to eat = 3
customers = [1,1,0,0]
biscuits = [0,1,0,1]

Customers that are unable to eat = 0
customers = [1,1,0,0,1,0]
biscuits = [0,1,0,1,1,1]

Customers that are unable to eat = 1


Input: customers = [1,1,0,0], biscuits = [0,1,0,1]
Output: 0 
- Front customer leaves the top biscuit and returns to the end of the line making customers = [1,0,0,1].
- Front customer leaves the top biscuit and returns to the end of the line making customers = [0,0,1,1].
- Front customer takes the top biscuit and leaves the line making customers = [0,1,1] and biscuits = [1,0,1].
- Front customer leaves the top biscuit and returns to the end of the line making customers = [1,1,0].
- Front customer takes the top biscuit and leaves the line making customers = [1,0] and biscuits = [0,1].
- Front customer leaves the top biscuit and returns to the end of the line making customers = [0,1].
- Front customer takes the top biscuit and leaves the line making customers = [1] and biscuits = [1].
- Front customer takes the top biscuit and leaves the line making customers = [] and biscuits = [].
Hence all customers are able to eat.


December 6 - Save The Templars

Problem Statement

  • The conflict continues. The Templar Assasins T and the Undying U are fighting to the death, but the bad is prevailing over the good. The Templars must band together in order to combat the Undying.
  • At the top of the Undying Resource tower, everyone is initially arranged in a circular path.
  • The Templar Assassin at index 1 is in front of the Templar Assassin at index 2 and stands close to the Templar Assassin at index n.
  • The Templars must band together in order to win the battle.
  • The Templars have a particular ability that allows them to switch bodies with anyone.
  • Assist the Templars in determining the least number of swaps required so that they can all stand together.
  • Given the sequence of Templar Assasins T and the Undying U, return the minimal number of swaps required.

Sample Input and Output

Output: 1
Output: 1  


To get all U and T together in the sample test case, first replace the T at index 3 with U at index 6.
Second, we can combine all U and T by swapping U at index 3 with T at index 2.

December 7 - Amy helps Pawnee!

Problem Statement

  • Amy Santiago is a pilot and she went to Pawnee for official work. She noticed that the city had a food shortage due to the devastating impact of COVID-19. So, she decided to help the people who are in desperate need of food by supplying them on their building with the help of her private jet-plane.
  • All the buildings are represented by three pairs of points: (a1, b1), (a2,b2) and (a3,b3).
  • The jet can fly in a direction either parallel to the x axis or the y axis. It drops the food packets on every building Amy flies over in her flight.
  • The food packet will be wasted if it is dropped on the boundary of the building as it will fall down. No two buildings touch each other. Figure out the number of buildings that receive the food packets on each flight.
  • A single line integer i.e the number of buildings that received the food packets on their roofs on each flight.

Sample Input and Output

Number of Buildings: 3
Coordinates of the buildings:
1 0 0 2 2 2
1 3 3 5 4 0 
5 4 4 5 4 4
Number of jet-planes: 3
x = 1
x = 2
y = 1

Buildings that received food:
Number of Buildings: 4
Coordinates of the buildings:
1 1 2 3 4 1
2 5 3 3 0 0
3 2 2 1 1 3
4 5 5 0 1 0
Number of jet-planes: 2

Buildings that received food:

December 8 - Anomalous Counter

Problem Statement

  • You found a rather bizarre counter around your area. You see that there are two dials, one is the cycle dial and another is the counter value dial.
  • When you start the counter, you see in the counter dial that it starts with the initial value 3 and then you see the counter value decreases by 1 each second until the value becomes 1.
  • In the next second you see that the cycle dialer is incremented to 1 and the counter value becomes twice the initial value of the counter in the previous cycle.
  • You decided to invite your friends to play a guessing game, i.e to find the value displayed by the counter at a particular time(in seconds).

Sample Input and output

Input: time = 22   
Output: counter value = 24
Input: time = 0
Output: counter value = 0


Input: time = 22
Output: 24

time=22 marks the beginning of the fourth cycle. 
So the counter value is double the number displayed at the beginning of the third cycle(when time=10): 12X2 = 24.
This is shown in the diagram in the problem statement.

December 9 - Dream 11

Problem Statement

- As a Cricket coach, you have to pick `P` understudies to address your school. There are `N` understudies. 
- The aptitude rating of `N` understudies has been given as input, which is a positive number indicating how gifted they are. Right away, it likely will not be possible to pick a sensible gathering, so you will give a piece of the understudies one-on-one educating. 
- It requires one hour of preparing to extend the ability rating of any understudy by 1. The resistance season is starting very soon, so you'd like to notice the base number of extensive stretches of guidance you need to give before you can pick a sensible gathering.
- Output the base number of long periods of instruction required, before you can pick a reasonable group of `P` understudies.

Sample Input and output

N = 4, P =3   
N = [3, 1, 9, 100]

Base number of periods required = 14
N = 6, P = 2
N = [5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Base number of periods required = 0
N = 5, P = 5
N = [7, 7, 1, 7, 7]

Base number of periods required = 6

December 10 - Juicy Orange Field

Problem Statement

  • You are in a field of juicy oranges that is like a grid of size n x n. You plan to collect most of the oranges in the field before the storm comes. Each cell can be any one of the following:
    • A cell can be empty (represented by 0), so you can pass through the cell.
    • A cell that contains the orange trees where you can pick up the oranges and pass through to the next cell. (represented by 1)
    • A cell covered with prickles and thorns that blocks your way to the next cell (represented by -1).
  • As it’s a big field you have to follow certain rules to find the maximum number of oranges you can collect before the storm hits:-
    • You begin at the first cell and you have to reach the last cell by moving right or down through valid cells (cells that do not contain prickles and thorns).
    • After reaching the last cell, you have to return to the first cell by moving left or up through valid cells.
    • When passing through a cell containing oranges, you pick it up, and the cell becomes an empty cell.
    • If there is no valid path between the first and last cell, then no oranges can be collected.

Sample Input and output

Input: field = [[0,1,-1],[1,0,-1],[1,1,1]]
Output: 5


Input: field = [[0,1,-1],[1,0,-1],[1,1,1]]
Output: 5

You started at (0, 0) and went down, down, right right to reach (2, 2).
4 oranges were picked up during this single trip, and the matrix becomes [[0,1,-1],[0,0,-1],[0,0,0]].
Then, the player went left, up, up, left to return home, picking up one more orange.
The total number of oranges picked up is 5, and this is the maximum possible.

December 11 - Maze Festival

Problem Statement

  • On the occasion of Halloween, a grand corn maze puzzle has been set up in the fields of Hubb’s farm, New York. There are several mystery boxes hidden at each magic spot.

  • Assume that there are N magic spots from 1 to N in the entire field.

  • Given the points to the spots P and Q and the distance between them D and also a participant who choses the starting spot A, the path chosen to reach the final spot B and the final magic spot C.

  • Identify whether the participant can reach the destination spot or not.

  • If yes print the minimum distance(shortest path) covered and the path taken by the participant to reach the final magic spot. Else print "NO PATH FOUND”.

  • Note: If a pathway connects A to B with distance D then it means that it will connect from B to A with the same distance D.

Sample Input and output

 N = 6
 P Q D
 1 2 2
 2 5 5
 2 3 4
 1 4 1
 4 3 3
 3 5 1
 A = 1, B = 3, C = 6
 Output: No path found
 N = 10
 P Q D
 1 5 78
 1 8 221
 2 7 92
 2 8 159
 3 5 55
 3 6 179
 3 10 237
 4 8 205
 5 6 191
 8 10 157
 A = 6, B = 3, C = 2 

 Output: Shortest path = 692
        Path taken = 6 3 5 1 8 2


 N = 10
 P Q D
 1 5 78
 1 8 221
 2 7 92
 2 8 159
 3 5 55
 3 6 179
 3 10 237
 4 8 205
 5 6 191
 8 10 157
 A = 6, B = 3, C = 2
 Output: Shortest path = 692
         Path taken = 6 3 5 1 8 2
- In the 2nd test case there are 10 magic spots and 10 number of pathways which connects the spots.
 The next 10 lines of input contains 3 numbers representing the names of start spot,
 and destination spot, distance between them 
 for example, for the first magic spot
  - starting spot is 1
  - passing through spot is 5 
  - distance between 1 and 5 is 78
                                   /  \    
                             4 - 8     6 - 5   
                                / \     \ /
                               2   10  -  3     
- For the user's input 6, 3, 2 representing starting, passing through,destination spots respectively there exits a shortest path to reach spot 2 from spot 6 passing through spot 3.
- The minimum distance travelled is 692
- Path followed is 6->3->5->1->8->2             


December 12 - Ford vs Ferrari

Problem Statement

  • Two friends Carroll Shelby and Ken Miles are playing a game where they arrange all the toy cars in a row and run them in random directions.
  • Each car has a certain superiority level associated with it and both max and sergio are aware of the superiority levels. They want to know the state of cars once they move them.
  • We are given an array cars of integers representing cars in a row. For each car, the absolute value represents its superiority, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left).
  • Each car moves at the same speed. Find out the state of the cars after all collisions.
  • If two cars meet, the less superior one will break. If both are of the same superiority, both will break. Two cars moving in the same direction will never meet.

Sample Input and Output

Input: cars = [4,8,-2]
Output: [4,8]
Input: cars = [5,-5]
Output: []    
Input: cars = [10,2,-5]
Output: [10]    


 Input: cars = [4,8,-2]
 Output: [4,8]
 - The car with superiority level 8 and -2 collide resulting in car with superiority level 8. 
 - The cars 4 and 8 never collide because they are moving in the same direction.        
 - Therefore, the ouptut is [4,8]    
Resources (Spoiler)

December 13 - Desert Shopping

Problem Statement

  • You are a diamond merchant in Dubai. You have x unsold diamonds, and each diamond p has a purity level mβ‚š, and a minimum price nβ‚š.
  • You also have z clients, and each client j wants a diamond with a purity greater than kβ±Ό and a price less than or equal to rβ±Ό.
  • Each client can buy at most one diamond, and each diamond can have at most one buyer. What is the maximum number of diamonds you can sell?

Sample Input/Output

  z = 3, x = 3
  kβ‚€ = 5, rβ‚€ = 110
  k₁ = 9, r₁ = 500
  kβ‚‚ = 20, rβ‚‚ = 400
  mβ‚€ = 10, nβ‚€ = 100
  m₁ = 2, n₁ = 200
  mβ‚‚ = 30, nβ‚‚ = 300
  Output: Maximum number of diamonds sold = 2
  z = 2, x = 2
  kβ‚€ = 3, rβ‚€ = 100
  k₁ = 5, r₁ = 150
  mβ‚€ = 4, nβ‚€ = 145
  m₁ = 2, n₁ = 80
  Output: Maximum number of diamonds sold = 2


 In case 1:
   - Client 0 will be interested in diamond 0 because it has more than kβ‚€ = 5 units of purity and costs less than rβ‚€ = 110 . 
   - Both of the other diamonds are outside of this client's price range.
   - Client 1 will be interested in diamonds 0 and 2 , as both these diamonds have more than k₁ = 9 units of purity and cost less than r₁ = 500 .
   - They will not be interested in the remaining diamonds because it's less pure.
   - Client 2 will be interested in diamond 2 because it has more than kβ‚‚ = 20  units of purity and costs less than rβ‚‚ = 400 . 
   - They will not be interested in the other two diamonds because they are less pure.
   - All three clients are interested in the same two houses, so you can sell at most two houses in the following scenarios:
   - Client 0 buys diamond 0 and client 1 buys diamond 2.
   - Client 1 buys diamond 0 and client 2 buys diamond 2.
   - Client 0 buys diamond 0 and client 2 buys diamond 2 .
   - Thus, we print the maximum number of diamond you can sell, 2, on a new line.            

December 14 - The Math Test

Problem Statement

  • Amy has her Math exam tomorrow and she has not prepared for it.
  • There are n chapters in her book and ith chapter has chapter i concepts. She has x hours to prepare for the exam. She decides that she can study y number of concepts from the chapters in each hour.
  • If a chapter has less than y concepts, then she will cover all the concepts of that chapter and take a break for the rest of the hour.
  • Return a minimum integer y such that she covers all the chapters of her Math book within x hours.

Sample Input/Output

Input: chapter = [3,6,7,11], x = 8
Output: 4
Input: chapter = [30,11,23,4,20], x = 5
Output: 30


She can study 4 concepts from her chapters per hour such that, she can cover all the concepts from the chapters within 8 hours.

December 15 - Twinkling Bracelets

Problem Statement

  • Pinky is a college student who works for her mom’s online Bracelet store and sells amazing collections of bracelets on a daily basis.
  • She takes a maximum number of n days for the bracelets to be delivered to the customers.
  • The ith customer has ordered i number of bracelets.
  • She prepares the bracelets according to the order in which she received the bookings. She schedules a maximum number of bracelets to be made and delivered in a day, such that she has sufficient time to manage her college work.
  • Return the least number of bracelets that can be made in a day for them to be delivered in n days.

Sample Input/Output

Input: number of bracelets = [3,2,2,4,1,4], n = 3
Output: 6
Input: number of bracelets = [1,2,3,1,1], n = 4
Output: 3


Pinky can make 6 bracelets and deliver them in a day such that she delivers all the orders within 3 days.

Day 1:  3, 2
Day 2:  2, 4
Day 3:  1, 4

December 16 - Catch Me If You Can

Problem Statement

  • Leo is a lion that escaped from the zoo, and X forest rangers are up for catching him.

  • The rangers want to catch Leo no matter the cost, and Leo also wants to eliminate as many rangers as possible (preferably everyone) before getting caught (or before running away after eliminating everyone). Neither the rangers nor Leo will run away before accomplishing their goals.

  • Leo and the officers are on a one-dimensional grid with coordinates ranging from βˆ’10ΒΉΒΊ to 10ΒΉΒΊ. Leo is initially standing at coordinate A, and the ith ranger is initially at coordinate Ci. The rangers and Leo then take turns to move, with the ranger team moving first.

  • During their turn, rangers will have to move to an adjacent unoccupied cell one by one, in any order they want. Every ranger will have to move. At every moment of time, no two rangers can be in the same cell, and also no ranger can be in the same cell as Leo.

  • If the ranger is unable to move to an adjacent unoccupied cell, he is eliminated (and the cell he was in becomes unoccupied). Note that the ranger team will try to move to eliminate as few rangers as possible.

  • After the ranger team's turn, Leo also moves to an adjacent unoccupied cell, or gets caught if he cannot find any adjacent unoccupied cell.

  • The process then repeats until either Leo is caught, or all rangers are eliminated and Leo runs away.

  • You need to find out the maximum number of rangers that can be eliminated by Leo, and if Leo can run away or not.

Sample Input/Output

 T = 1, X = 2, A = 2
 (C1 C2) = 1 4
 1 -1
 T = 1, X = 1, A=2    
 (C1 C2) = 1 
 1  1    


For test case 1:
   - Leo chooses to always move to the left (i.e. to the smaller coordinate); this forces the ranger at coordinate 1 to always move to the left, and eventually being 
     cornered and eliminated.
   - However, the officer at coordinate 4 cannot be eliminated, and hence Chef will be caught at the end.
     For test case 2:
     Similarly, Leo chooses to always move to the left, and eventually eliminating the only ranger, thus running away at the end.       

December 17 - The Bossy Manager

Problem Statement

  • Ram is an assistant manager in the bank. His boss, is very bossy and assigns him to tasks and asks him to complete them as soon as possible.
  • This manager also has some parameters which are assigned to each and every task which he has to note. They are:
    • The maximum number of tasks he can complete in a single go
    • The time taken to complete the single task for that job
    • The number of tasks each job can process
  • And at last the manager asks Ram to calculate the minimum time needed to process a set of tasks for the given job. Ram did a course on data structures and using his knowledge on this subject he plans to complete this task in less time. Try helping Ram out and see if he can outwit his manager!

Sample Input/Output:

Task size = [3,2,5,7]
Processing time = [5,4,10,12]  
Number of tasks = [10,6,10,5]

Output: The minimum time to process all the tasks is 20.
Task size = [4,3]
Processing time = [6,5]
Number of tasks = [8,8]

Output: The minimum time to process all the tasks is 15.


Task size = [4,3]
Processing time = [6,5]
Number of tasks = [8,8]

Queue 0 can process a maximum of 4 tasks in 6 minutes, and queue is 1 can process a maximum of 3 tasks in 5 minutes. Each queue has 8 tasks to process. The time required to perform the assigned tasks in the minimum possible time is calculated as follows:

For queue 0:
- At time = 0, a new batch of 4 tasks is initiated 
- At time= 6, the first batch of tasks is processed and a new batch of 4 tasks is initiated.
- At time = 12, the second batch of tasks is processed. There are no more tasks left to process in this queue.

For queue 1:  
- At time = 0, a new batch of 3 tasks is initiated.
- At time= 5, the first batch of tasks is processed and a new batch of 3 tasks is initiated.
- At time = 15, the third batch of tasks is processed. There are no more tasks left to process in this queue.
The minimum time to process all the tasks is 15.

December 18 - Connections

Problem Statement

  • You are given an n x n binary matrix grid where 1 represents house and 0 represents wire.
  • A house is a 4-directionally connected group of 1's not connected to any other 1's. There are exactly two houses in grid.
  • You may change 0's to 1's to connect the two houses to form one house.
  • Return the smallest number of 0's you must flip to connect the two houses.

Sample Input/Output

Input: grid = [[0,1],[1,0]]

Output: 1
Input: grid = [[0,1,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,1]]

Output: 2

December 19 - Winter is coming

Problem Statement

  • Winter semester is about to begin. The previous semester’s professors had already instructed the students that it is mandatory to take up a value added course in order to take up a subject course. There are a total of num courses to be taken and they are labelled from 0 to num-1. Consider the array course where course[i] = [ai, bi].
  • It is mandatory for a student to take up the value added course ai in order to take up the subject course bi.

Eg : the pair [3,8] says that one must take up the value added course 3 in order to take up the subject course 8.

  • These mandatory courses can be indirect as well. Suppose, course p is mandatory to take up course q and course q is mandatory to take up course r. Then, course p is mandatory in order to take up course r.
  • Consider another array answer where answer[x] = [mx, nx]. You must answer if course mx is mandatory in order to take up course nx or not for the xth query.
  • Return a boolean array result, where result[x] is the answer to the xth query.

Sample Input and Output

Input: num = 2, course = [[1,0]], answer = [[0,1],[1,0]]
Output: [false,true]
Input: num = 3, course = [[1,2],[1,0],[2,0]], answer = [[1,0],[1,2]]
Output: [true,true]
Input: num = 2, course = [], answer = [[1,0],[0,1]]
Output: [false,false]


Input: num = 2, course = [[1,0]], answer = [[0,1],[1,0]]
Output: [false,true]
Explanation: The pair [1, 0] indicates that you have to take the value added course 1 before you can take the subject course 0. 
Course 0 is not mandatory to take up course 1, but the opposite is true.

December 20 - High Traffic Server(s)

Problem Statement

In your company there are n servers, numbered 0 to n-1, that are handling numerous requests at the same time. Each server has limitless processing power, but it can only handle one request at a time. The requests are routed to servers using the following algorithm:

  • The kth request arrives. That kth request is discarded if all servers are busy (not handled at all).
  • Assign the request to the (k % n)th server if it’s available.
  • Otherwise, forward the request to the next server that is accessible. If the kth server is busy, for example, try routing the request to the (k+1)th server, then the (k+2)th server, and so on.

You are given the arrival time of the requests and the load time(time taken to complete the request by the server). Your objective is to find the server which handles the most number of requests.

Sample Input and output

Input: n = 3, arrival = [1,2,3,4,5], load = [5,2,3,3,3] 
Output: [1] 
Input: n = 3, arrival = [1,2,3,4], load = [1,2,1,2]
Output: [0]
Input: n = 3, arrival = [1,2,3], load = [10,12,11]
Output: [0,1,2]


Input: n = 3, arrival = [1,2,3,4], load = [1,2,1,2]
Output: [0]

The first three requests are processed by the first three servers.
The third request has arrived. Because the server is accessible, it is handled by server 0.
Server 0 dealt with two requests, whereas servers 1 and 2 each dealt with one. As a result, server 0 is the busiest.

December 21 - Transform to Checkerboard

Problem Statement

  • You've been handed a x*x binary grid to work with. You can swap any two rows or columns with each other in each move.
  • Return the minimum number of moves to transform the board into a checkerboard. Return -1 if the task is impossible.
  • This is how a checkerboard is.

Sample Input and output

Input: board = [[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1]]
Output: 2
Input: board = [[0,1],[1,0]]
Output: 0
Input: board = [[1,0],[1,0]]
Output: -1


Input: board = [[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1]]
Output: 2

One potential sequence of moves is shown.
The first move swaps the first and second column.
The second move swaps the second and third row.
Check the above image for more context.

December 22 - Richie Rich

Problem Statement

  • Christian is a world renowned entrepreneur who has a lot of craze for maths. In order to exhibit his love for maths he decided to buy a land and design it in the form of an undirected simple graph with X vertices (numbered 1 through X) and Y edges (numbered 1 through Y).
  • For each valid p, the pth edge connects vertices mβ‚š and nβ‚š. Christian wants to show off his car and bike collection on the field and therefore wants to place his bikes and cars on the edges so that the graph would be perfectly balanced, which means that for each vertex, the number of bikes edges incident to it must be equal to the number of cars edges incident to it.
  • Obviously, Christian does not want to leave any edges blank, but he immediately realised that in such a case, it generally may be impossible to make the graph perfectly balanced, so instead he decided to display his helicopter collection on some of the edges, so that it is always possible to balance the graph.
  • Since helicopters are the most expensive, Christian’s satisfaction with the graph will be greater when he uses fewer edges to display his helicopter collection.
  • Can you help him choose what he has to display(bike,car or helicopter) on the edges so that he can show off his love for maths and his wealth in a perfectly balanced and satisfactory manner?
  • Return an array, for each valid p, the pth of these lines should contain the integer 0 if you want the ith edge to be a helicopter, 1 if you want it to be a bike or βˆ’1 if you want it to be a car.

Sample Input and output

Input: X = 5, Y = 6
       [mβ‚š, nβ‚š] = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 3]]
Output: [-1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1]
Input: X = 6, Y = 9
       [mβ‚š, nβ‚š] = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [3, 6], [4, 5], [5, 6]]  
Output: [-1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0]


The graph can be perfectly balanced without using any helicopters on the edges.
Green colour - car on the edges.
Red colour - bike on the edges.
Thus, without using any helicopters on the edges the graph is perfectly balanced in this case.

December 23 - Ant Got Track

Problem Statement

  • The National Ant Marathon Committee has decided to conduct this year’s marathon. The committee has to decide the route that is cyclic and consists of 4 different roads.
  • Their city has X intersections and Y bidirectional roads.They want to hold it in all places throughout the city and make sure they cover a new route every day.
  • Two routes are said to be equal if their sets of component roads are equal.
  • You need to determine the maximum number of days the marathon needs to be held such that every route travelled is different.
  • Two arrays A and B which define a bidirectional road connecting intersections Ai and Bi.

Sample Input/Output

Input: X = 4, Y = 6
          A  B
          1  2
          2  3
          3  4
          4  1
          1  3
          2  4

Output: 3
Input: X = 3, Y = 4
          A  B
          1  2
          3  2
          1  3
          2  1

Output: 2


In case 1: There are 3 different cyclic routes that can be taken for the marathon.


 Recall that each route is a set of intersections forming a cycle, so each unique route is the same regardless of which city on the route the ants start out at. Thus, we print 3 (the number of routes) as our answer.

December 24 - Mayday Mayday!!

Problem Statement

  • Lawrence is a delivery partner with grofers and due to the festive season his orders have increased and he is in a very dire situation. Please help Lawrence.
  • Lawrence gets X orders. The orders are numbered from 1 to X. He gets order i at Ri time, and this order contains Yi number of groceries. Lawrence needs to deliver each of these Yi groceries before Ti time and for each unit of groceries he cannot deliver before this deadline he needs to forfeit Ki unit of his salary as penalty.
  • Given all of the orders, help Lawrence to minimize the amount of salary he will have to forfeit .
  • Important Note: Lawrence can deliver at most one grocery at a unit time and for each grocery he needs exactly one unit of time to deliver. Also Lawrence can deliver a grocery instantly, when the grocery is available right next to the delivery address.
  • If Lawrence wants to deliver a grocery at time p, then the latest he can deliver that grocery is at time time p. In another words, for order i Lawrence can deliver the groceries at time units Ri, Ri+1, Ri+2, ..., Ti-1. Please note that Lawrence cannot deliver groceries from order i exactly at time unit Ti.

Sample Input/Output

  Input: X=1
         R₁=1 Y₁=5 T₁=6 K₁=10
  Output: 0
 Input: X=2
        Rβ‚‚=1 Yβ‚‚=5 Tβ‚‚=6 Kβ‚‚=10
        Rβ‚‚=1 Yβ‚‚=5 Tβ‚‚=6 Kβ‚‚=10
 Output: 50


 Example 1: There is only 1 order and all of the groceries from this order can be served. So zero salary has to be forfeited.
 Example 2: There are two orders and you cannot serve 5 groceries. You can select these 5 groceries from any order.

Decemeber 25 - Ranthambore Diaries

Problem Statement

  • Adhi and his friend Vishal decided to go camping in the forests of Ranthambore 5 years after their previous trip to the forests. However during the nights they can set up their tents only in the β€œresting areas” designated by the government.
  • The forest has X resting areas that they can set up their tents in. The resting areas are numbered from 1 to X and are connected with X-1 roads.
  • Each road has its own length. It is known that between two resting areas there is exactly one path that goes through the roads and resting areas such that no resting area appears in the path more than once. Roads do not intersect each other and it takes 0 time to pass through a resting area.
  • During their last visit,Adhi and Vishal previously rested in resting areas A1, A2, ... AM so they will rest in one of these areas again. To make the camping trip more adventurous they do not agree on the resting area beforehand. Rather, Adhi will pick a random resting area C from this list of resting areas and Vishal will independently pick a random resting area J from this list of resting areas. Both random choices will be taken uniformly over the list of resting areas.
  • The day before the camping trip, Vishal was a little scared and he spoke with his brother about their plan and asked him to calculate the expected distance between resting areas that Adhi and Vishal randomly pick. Please remember that Adhi’s brother knows neither C nor J. Help him calculate this expected distance.
  • Return two integers numer and denom, which indicates the fraction numer/denom giving expected distance between the resting areas randomly chosen by Adhi and Vishal.

Sample Input/Output

 Input: C=6 B=2
        P=1 Q=3 R=1
        P=2 Q=3 R=2
        P=3 Q=4 R=3
        P=4 Q=5 R=4
        P=4 Q=6 R=5
        A1=1 A2=5
  Output: numer=4 denom=1
Input: C=6 B=6
       P=1 Q=3 R=1
       P=2 Q=3 R=2
       P=3 Q=4 R=3
       P=4 Q=5 R=4
       P=4 Q=6 R=5
       A1=1 A2=2 A3=3 A4=4 A5=5 A6=6
Output: numer=29 denom=6

Decemeber 26 - Bellisima Florencia

Problem Statement

  • Florence is a scenic city that has a number of art galleries connected by bidirectional roads, each of which has a travel time associated with it. Each of the art galleries may have an artist who displays one or more kinds of arts. A couple, Madhav and Akshara, are at art gallery 1 (each of the gallery is numbered consecutively from 1 to x ).
  • They have a list of arts they want to click photos of, and to save time, they will divide the list between them. Determine the total travel time for the couple to click pictures of all of the types of arts, finally meeting at art gallery x.
  • Their paths may intersect, they may backtrack through art gallery x, and one may arrive at a different time than the other. The minimum time to determine is when both have arrived at the destination.
  • For example, there are x = 5 art galleries displaying y = 3 types of arts. The following is a graph that shows a possible layout of the art galleries connected by z = 4 paths. Each of the galleries is labeled gallery number/art types displayed/ who(madhav/akshara) visit(s).
  • Here B and L represent madhav and akshara, respectively. In this example, both madhav and akshara take the same path, i.e. 1β†’3β†’5 and arrive at time 15+5=20 having clicked pictures of all three types of arts they wanted to. Neither of them visit shopping centers 2 or 4.
  • Complete the art function in the editor. It should return an integer that represents the minimum time required for their photo session . art has the following parameters:
    • x: an integer, the number of art galleries
    • y: an integer, the number of types of arts
    • centers: an array of strings of space-separated integers where the first integer of each element is the number of types of art displayed at a gallery and the remainder are the types displayed
    • roads: a 2-dimensional array of integers where the first two values are the art galleries connected by the bi-directional road, and the third is the travel time for that road.

Sample Input/Output

Input:  x=5 z=5 y=5
        t₁=1 A₁₁=1
        tβ‚‚=1 Aβ‚‚β‚‚=2
        t₃=1 A₃₃=3
        tβ‚„=1 Aβ‚„β‚„=4
        tβ‚…=1 Aβ‚…β‚…=5
        k₁=1 c₁=2 d₁=10
        kβ‚‚=1 cβ‚‚=3 dβ‚‚=10
        k₃=2 c₃=4 d₃=10
        kβ‚„=3 cβ‚„=5 dβ‚„=10
        kβ‚…=4 cβ‚…=5 dβ‚…=10
Output: 30


  • B represents a location Madhav visits, L represents a location where Akshara visits.
  • Madhav can travel 1β†’2β†’4β†’5 and click pictures of art at all of the art galleries on his way.
  • Akshara can then travel 1β†’3β†’5 , and click pictures of art from the artist at the 3rd art gallery only.

December 27 - Community Park

Problem Statement

  • For the past 1 month the community park has been facing a lot of electricity issues. This has affected the park lighting very badly. Adults and children face difficulty in utilizing the park during the nights. The association members have decided to solve this issue after finding a cost efficient lightning option.
  • Consider each light source can illuminate a circular area with a radius r. Consider there are n major spots in the park , each located at (xi,yi) point. Since they want to minimize the expenses, they want to buy a minimum number of light sources k, such that each major spot is illuminated by at least 1 light source.
  • In other words, your task is to select a minimum number of points in the plane, such that for each given point, there exists a chosen point at a distance of at most r.
  • Note: More than one light source can be placed at a specific spot

Sample Input/Output

  n=4 r=2
  x y
  0 2
  0 4
  2 0
  2 4
  No of light sources: 2
  Coordinates: (1,3), (1,1)    
  n=3 r=2
  x y
  1 4
  0 2 
  4 2

  No of light sources: 1
  Coordinates: (2,2)   


In the first test  case  there are 4 major spots located at (0,2) (0,4) (2,0) (2,4) and the radius of illumination 
is given as 2 units.
We can see that if we place 2 light sources at (1,3) and(1,1) , it would cover all the given major areas. 
Though there are other options, we aim at  minimizing the number of lights ,so 2 light sources are enough 
to illuminate the given major spots in the park.
Then number of light sources along with their coordinates are displayed.

December 28 - Tom and Jerry

Problem Statement

  • Tom and Jerry are playing a game in a grid of size x*y with each element representing a wall(#), food(F), tom(T), jerry(J), floor(.). In the grid there is only one of each character T,J,F. The rules for Tom and Jerry's game are as follows:
    • They take turns moving once Jerry has moved first in the game.
    • Tom and Jerry can leap in one of four directions throughout each turn (left, right, up, down). They are unable to jump over the wall or beyond the grid.
    • The maximum jump lengths for Tom and Jerry are tomJump and jerryJump respectively.
    • It is permitted to remain in the same position.
    • Jerry has the ability to leap above Tom.
  • The game can end in four ways:-
    • Tom wins if he is in the same position as Jerry.
    • Tom wins if he gets to the food first.
    • Mouse wins if he gets to the food first.
    • Cat wins if Mouse does not reach the food in 1000 turns.
  • Given a x*y matrix grid and two integers tomJump and jerryJump, return true if Jerry can win the game if both Tom and Jerry play optimally, otherwise return false.

Sample Input and output

Input: grid = ["####F","#C...","M...."], tomJump= 1, jerryJump= 2
Output: true
Input: grid = ["M.C...F"], tomJump= 1, jerryJump= 4
Output: true
Input: grid = ["M.C...F"], tomJump= 1, jerryJump= 3
Output: false


Input: grid = ["####F","#C...","M...."], tomJump= 1, jerryJump= 2
Output: true
Explanation: Tom cannot catch Jerry on its turn nor can it get the food before Jerry.

December 29 - Savage Storage Saga

Problem Statement

  • Characterize the excellence of a stage of numbers from 1 to n as number of sets (L,R) and numbers pL,pL+1,… ,pR are successive Rβˆ’L+1 numbers in some request.
  • For instance, the magnificence of the change (1,2,5,3,4) rises to 9, and sections, comparing to sets, are [1], [2], [5], [4], [3], [1,2], [3,4], [5,3,4], [1,2,5,3,4].
  • In each question, you will be given whole numbers n and k. Decide whether there exists a change of numbers from 1 to n with magnificence equivalent to k, and if there exists, yield one of them.

Sample Input and output

Input:  n=1 k=1
Output: YES
Input: n=5 k=6  
Output: YES
        2 4 1 5 3 
Input: n=5 k=8
Output: NO    
Input: n=5 k=10
Output: YES
        2 3 1 4 5    

December 30 - Mr. Dependable

Problem Statement

  • There are N occasions, numbered 1 through N. The likelihood of event of every occasion relies on the event of precisely another occasion called the parent occasion, with the exception of occasion 1, which is a free occasion.
  • As such, for every occasion from 2 to N, 3 qualities are given:
    • Pi indicating the parent occasion of occasion i
    • Ai signifying the likelihood of event of occasion i assuming its parent occasion happens
    • Bi meaning the likelihood of event of occasion i on the off chance that its parent occasion doesn't happen.
  • For occasion 1, its likelihood of event K is given. There are Q questions that we need to reply.
  • Each question comprises of 2 unmistakable occasions, uj and vj, and you really want to find the likelihood that the two occasions uj and vj have happened.

Sample Input and output

 n=5 q=2
 p1=1 a1=400000 b1=300000
 p2=2 a2=500000 b2=200000
 p3=1 a3=800000 b3=100000
 p4=4 a4=200000 b4=400000
 u1=1 v1=5
 u2=3 v2=5
 136000001 556640004
n=4 q=2
p1=1 a1=100000 b1=100000
p2=2 a2=300000 b2=400000
p3=3 a3=500000 b3=600000
u1=1 v1=2
u2=2 v2=4

710000005 849000006


  In thge first test case, the probability that both events 1 and 5 occurred is given by
  (the probability that event 1 occurred) Γ— (probability that event 5 occurs given event 1 occurred). 
  Event 1 would occur with probability 0.2. Given that event 1 occurred, the probability that event 4 occurs is 0.8. 
  Therefore, the probability of occurrence of event 5 given that event 1 occurred is 0.2Γ—0.8+0.4Γ—0.2=0.24 
  (probability of event 5 occurring given than event 4 occurred + probability of event 5 occurring given that event 4 did not occur). 
  The probability that both events 1 and 5 occurred is 0.2Γ—0.24=0.048. The answer 0.048 can be converted into fraction of 6125, 
  and one can confirm that the 136000001 satisfies the conditions mentioned in the output section as 136000001Γ—125≑6(mod(109+7)) 
  and is uniquely determined. For the second query, the probability that both events 5 and 3 occurred is 0.10352.

December 31 - Mah house mah rulez

  • Clay has bought a new house in the outskirts of the city. He wants to fully furnish his house and is keen on creating a puzzle with the tiles that he is going to lay on on the ground floor of the house.
  • n tiles are to be arranged in a row and each of them can be of colours - pink P and white W. Some of the tiles have already been laid and some others are left blank. You can decide which colour tiles to be laid on each blank space.
  • Some pairs of adjacent squares may have the same color, which looks odd. We define odd as the number of pairs of adjacent squares that are of the same color.
  • For example, odd-looking tiles in β€˜PPWPWWP’ is 2, with PP occurring once and RR occurring once.
  • Given a string S, your goal is to minimize the number of odd-looking tiles and lay out the tiles of the house.

Sample Input and output

Input: n = 7
       S = ?W???PW
Input: n = 7
       S = ???W???
Input: n = 1
       S = ?
Output: P          
Input: n = 1
       S = P
Output: P          
Input: n = 10
       S = ?W??WP??P?



Nikhilesh S Keerthana S Harshitha Pranav D Nitya Samavedam Nithish Kumar B Madhumita R Poujhit MU Sahari Krithik Vishnuvasan
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Who can join the Challenge?

Anyone who is passionate about coding and can dedicate a little time a day for the challenge for the next 31 days.

When should I submit the pull request?

You don't need to submit it everyday. Just submit it once you're done with all 31 algorithms.

What if I'm not able to code every day?

Not a problem. While coding every day is nice, we understand that other commitments might interfere with it. Plus its holiday season. So you don't have to solve one problem every day. Go at your own pace. One per day or 7 a week or even all 30 in a day.

What language should I use to code?

Anything! New to GoLang? Best way to practice it. Wanna find out what all this hype about Python is? Use it! Any and all languages are welcomed. Maybe you could try using a different language for every problem as a mini-challenge?

Fork? Pull request? What is all that? I don't know how to use GitHub!

If you are new to Git or GitHub, check out this out GitHub

Where are the rest of the problems?

Our code ninjas are hard at work preparing the rest of the problems. Don't worry, they'll be up soon.

How should I complete these programs?

We have a folder for each day of the month. Simply complete your code and move the file into that folder. Be sure to rename your file to the following format: language_username or language_username_problemname Some examples: c_exampleUser.c Please do not modify any existing files in the repository.

I forked the repository but some problems were added only after that. How do I access those problems?

Not to worry! Open your nearest terminal or command prompt and navigate over to your forked repository. Enter these commands:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

If you're curious, the commands simply add a new remote called upstream that is linked to this repository. Then it 'fetches' or retrieves the contents of the repository and attempts to merge it with your progress. Note that if you've already added the upstream repository, you don't need to re-add it in the future while fetching the newer questions.

I received a merge error. What do I do?

This shouldn't happen unless you modify an existing file in the repository. There's a lot of potential troubleshooting that might be needed, but the simplest thing to do is to make a copy of your code outside the repository and then clone it once again. Now repeat the steps from the answer above. Merge it and then add your code. Now proceed as usual. :)

I'm facing difficulties with/need help understanding a particular question.

Open up an issue on this repository and we'll do our best to help you out.



A December of Algorithms is a small collection of algorithms to implement this December. Finish it all to get a certificate. πŸŽ„








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