Start the KUBOT Robot Coordinate conversion(TF), Visualize data(RViZ) and Physical simulation(GAZEBO).
It is also possible to perform simulations such as mapping and navigation without real robots.
- kubot_description
- model.launch
- view_model.launch
- robot_model (urdf.xacro, gazebo)
- lidar (urdf.xacro, gazebo)
- camera (urdf.xacro, gazebo)
- kubot_gazebo
- dynamic_obstacle.launch
- empty_world.launch
- kubot_syy_field.launch
- view_sensor.launch
- robot_in_my_worlds.launch
- word (sdf)
- model (sdf)
- dynamic obstacle node (python)
cd ~/kubot_ros/ros_ws/src
git clone -b melodic-devel
cd ..
source ~/.bashrc