Just another one of my Self-Study Projects . I don't tend to make such projects public but this might be of help for someone looking to understand Fiber and React Under the hood. Do remember as of writing this, this is my first time looking at the code for Fiber.
Often times reading a large amount of code can be very intimidating for someone new to programming. So it's best to read each line and document them if needed so you don't go hoping around files searching for that lost variable or get lost on the Import tags. There is no set rules or anything here, just documenting/laying it out the best I can. Any part of this doc might change as my understanding of the whole system grows.
In order to properly use this, clone it and uncheck all the files and then go through the files one by one and adjust the pseudocode to your liking. Remember it took them 2+ years to make Fiber so be patient as it might take you a while.
As for obvious errors and such:
“There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.” Bob Ross
Lot of this comes directly from Fiber codebase itself, a lot of it will be just code reorganized for easier understanding. I Turn a lot of functions into Pseudocode for easier reference and understanding
Here is the link for the official codebase REACT
- ReactFiber.js > Defining Functions For Creating Fibers
- ReactCurrentFiber.js > Functions for Describing Fibers
- ReactDebugFiberPerf > probably for debugging DEV
- ReactChildFiber > The Bulk of The Child Reconciliation
- ReactClassComponent.js > Class mounting, class instances, class reconciliation
- ReactContext.js > Probably context stuff
- ReactFiberHostContext > Host Stuff
- ReactFiberHydrationContext.js > Must Understand the Fast and Furious DOM
- ReactFiberPendingPriority.js > Priority, marks levels for various stuff
- ReactFiberRoot.js > For creating Fiber Roots
- ReactFiberExpirationTime.js > How expiration time is handled
- ReactProfilerTimer.js > For Recording/Tracking Time React Profiler
- ReactFiberTreeReflection.js > Finding Where the host fibers are...nature
- ReactFiberStack.js > Concerns how the "stack" is shifted
- ReactFiberScheduler > THIS IS SOME GUCCI CODE
- ReactUpdateQueue.js > Scheduling The Updates(or I think so)
- ReactFiberBeginWork.js > This is for begining the work
- ReactCompleteWork.js > CompleteWork
- ReactUnwindWork.js > Unwind
- ReactCommitWork.js > Committing Work
- ReactFiberReconciler.js > The Main File
- REACT-DOM.JS > Where the above files end making sense
- Scheduler.js > located in a different package > concerns RequestAnimationFrame
I thought there would be many complicated algorithms used since it took 2+ years to build. These Are All the ones I noticed and are quite simple
SinglyLinked Lists
Simple Stacks (push) (pop) are used based on a index/cursor.
The algorithms used for reconciling children are equivalent of going through a JSON file.
Simply mapping it out, maybe run some while loops on the childrens until all are reconciled.
Building a clone then see what changed and perform replacements.
Navigating through the stack in reverse or forward direction
A Fiber is work on a Component that needs to be done or was done. There can be more than one per component.
It is essentially an object with set properties used to identify what kind of a (component) it is and what works needs to be done. Assign prioirity levels for efficient processing. since it uses flow, it is also exported as a type.
Most/if not all is in: ReactFiber.js
tag: Tag identifying the type of fiber
key: Unique identifier of this child
type: The function/class/module associated with this fiber
stateNode: The local state associated with this fiber
return: The Fiber to return to after finishing processing this one
child: Singly Linked List Tree Structure
sibling: Singly Linked List Tree Structure
index: Singly Linked List Tree Structure
ref: The ref last used to attach this node
pendingProps: Input is the data coming into process this fiber/Arguments/Props
memoizedProps: The props used to create the output
updateQueue: A queue of state updates and callbacks
memoizedState: The state used to create the output
firstContextDependency: A linked-list of contexts that this fiber depends on
mode: (Bitfield) that describes properties about the fiber and its subtree
effectTag: Effect
nextEffect: Singly linked list fast path to the next fiber with side-effects
firstEffect: The first fiber with side-effect within this subtree
lastEffect: The last fiber with side-effect within this subtree
expirationTime: Represents a time in the future by which this work should be completed
childExpirationTime: This is used to quickly determine if a subtree has no pending changes
alternate: A pooled version of a Fiber-Every fiber that gets updated will
actualDuration: Time spent rendering this Fiber and its descendants for the current update
actualStartTime: This marks the time at which the work began(only if Fiber is active in render phase)
selfBaseDuration: Duration of the most recent render time for this Fiber
treeBaseDuration: Sum of base times for all descedents of this Fiber.
While in DEV Mode, additional properties for (tracking) fibers
Function FiberNode is incharge of creating the Fiber, which has a constructor function createFiber returning Fibernode . Both are relying on the following parameters
Function createWorkInProgress is used to create an alternate fiber.(Pooling). Uses a double buffering pooling technique.
3 parameters (current, pendingProps, expirationTime)
making a work in progress fiber
if workInprogress = null
createFiber (new)
reset effect tags on the alternate
the rest of work in progress fiber
Function(exported) createFiberFromElement. Hmm look this is incharge of creating all the fibers based on the React element type.
parameters(element, mode, expirationTime)
type = element.type
function > shouldConstruct ? ClassComponent : InderterminateComponent
string > HostComponent
switch: case depending on type
REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE > return createFiberFromFragment(pendingProps, mode, expirationTime, key)
REACT_PROFILER_TYPE > createFiberFromProfiler(pendingProps, mode, expirationTime, key)
REACT_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE > PlaceholderComponent
REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE > ContextConsumer
REACT_PURE_TYPE > PureComponent
createFiber(fiberTag, pendingProps, key, mode)
return the created fiber
ReactWorkTags For Quick Reference
FunctionComponent = 0;
FunctionComponentLazy = 1;
ClassComponent = 2;
ClassComponentLazy = 3;
IndeterminateComponent = 4;
HostRoot = 5;
HostPortal = 6;
HostComponent = 7;
HostText = 8;
Fragment = 9;
Mode = 10;
ContextConsumer = 11;
ContextProvider = 12;
ForwardRef = 13;
ForwardRefLazy = 14;
Profiler = 15;
PlaceholderComponent = 16;
PureComponent = 17;
PureComponentLazy = 18;
also MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT = 1073741823
Following Functions create different type of fibers, assign a type and expirationTime. Then using createFiber , return a Fiber.
Function assignFiberPropertiesInDev : Used for stashing WIP properties to replay failed work in DEV.
The Host Fiber and it has the following properties and is created by createFiberRoot
current: The currently active root fiber. This is the mutable root of the tree.
containerInfo: Any additional information from the host associated with this root.
earliestSuspendedTime: earliest priority levels that are suspended from committing.
latestSuspendedTime: latest priority levels that are suspended from committing.
earliestPendingTime: earliest priority levels that are not known to be suspended.
latestPendingTime: latest priority levels that are not known to be suspended.
latestPingedTime: The latest priority level that was pinged by a resolved promise and can be retried.
didError: if error thrown
finishedWork: A finished work-in-progress HostRoot that's ready to be committed.
timeoutHandle: Timeout handle returned by setTimeout. Used to cancel a pending timeout
context: Top context object, used by renderSubtreeIntoContainer
+hydrate: Determines if we should attempt to hydrate on the initial mount
nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: Remaining expiration time on this root.
Contains functions concerning ExpirationTime and when low priority and high priority Batches. High priority Batches have a longer expiration time than low priority while in DEV mode.
1 unit of expiration time represents 10ms
msToExpirationTime > returns ms/10 + 2
expirationTimeToMS > return (expirationTime - 2) * 10
High and Low Priority Times in ms
High Priority Uses the Function computeInteractiveExpiration with the currentTime. Low priority uses computeAsyncExpiration, likely used for offscreen renders. Both use the function computeExpirationBucket (currentTime, expirationInMs, bucketSizeMs).
NOTE: Recheck when this is used
The main function for describing what the fiber type is describeFiber
switch (depending on the tag)
name = getComponentName //Function returning a string based on Types(CAP_NAMES)-paramters is type
ownerName = getComponentName
return describeComponentFrame(name, source, ownerName)
So describeFiber is used in a exported function getStackByFiberInDevAndProd
info += describeFiber(node);
while workInProgress
return info
2 exports being the current Fiber and LifeCyclePhase
Maybe add DEV stuff if they are needed
NOTE: Updates are not sorted by priority, but by insertion; new updates are always appended to the end of the list.
The stack itself seems to be a push pop based on the index(initial value of -1), either increment the index when pushing or decrement when popping.
const valueStack []
let fiberStack [] | null
let index = -1
createCursor for assigning where to start looking in the stack
pop(cursor, fiber)
if index < 0 return ''
current cursor = valueStack[index]
assign null to valueStack since it's removed from stack
push(cursor, value, fiber)
valueStack[index] is the current cursor
current cursors is assigned the new value
this is incharge of handling how the react components are updated:
the outer function incharge of sending props to the internal state is applyDerivedStateFromProps. Which handles Merging of the partial state and the previous state. Where memoized state is compared with the previous and using methods like Redux object.assign. It assigns a new state. There is a if case present that if it's not in a updatequeue then basestate(initial state) = memiozed state.
The structure of this is a lot like using Redux(payloads, assigning)
There is a main classComponentUpdater which is contains various functions:
enqueueSetState(inst, payload, callback)
get various values on current time and expirationtimes for the given Fiber
enqueueUpdate > takes in Fiber and the update which was just created
scheduleWork > schedule it for work (fiber and the expirationTime)
Same as above function but for replacing state
Same as above but for forced updates
Function for checking is the component should update checkShouldComponentUpdate
parameters(workInProgress, ctor, oldprops, newProps, oldState, newState, nextContext)
const instance is the workinProgress
if it's function
shouldUpdate > also the returned value
if it's a pure component
return if they !shallowEqual
function adoptClassInstance
// The instance needs access to the fiber so that it can schedule updates
instance.updater = classComponentUpdater
The main function for constructing the current class instance constructClassInstance
parameters(workInProgress, ctor, props, renderExpirationTime)
let isLegacyContextConsumer = false
let unmaskedContext = emptyContextObject
let context = null
contextType = ctor.contextType
if contextType is an object and true
context = contextType.unstable_read()
unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true)
const contextTypes = ctor.contextTypes
set isLegacyContextConsumer to (true?) depending on the contextTypes being present
context is getMaskedContext if isLegacyContextConsumer is true
const instance = new ctor(props, context)
the new state is equal to the memoizedState if the state of the current instance is not null
adoptClassInstance(workInProgress, instance)
if isLegacyContextConsumer is true then cacheContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext, context)
return instance
Various calls on the Component
callComponentWillMount(workInProgress, instance)
old is instance state
depending on the typeof instance call either componentWillMount or UNSAFE_componentWillMount
if oldstate !== instance.state
callComponentWillRecieveProps(workInProgress, instance, newProps, nextContext)
old is instance state
depending on the typeof instance call either componentWillReceiveProps or UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
if instance.state !== oldState then enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null)
Once the class instance is constructed then it needs to be mounted with mountClassInstance
parameters(workInProgress, ctor, newProps, renderExpirationTime)
const instance = workInProgress.stateNode;
instance.props = newProps;
instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;
instance.refs = emptyRefsObject;
contextType = ctor.contextType
if object and not null then instance.context does a unstable_read()
const unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true);
instance.context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext);
let updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue
if not null then processUpdateQueue
and the instance state will equal memoizedState
if ctor.getDerivedSTateFromProps is true(function) then applyDerivedStateFromProps
and instance state is the memoizedState
still need to understand these
There is one main function ChildReconciler which does most of the work. There are multiple inner functions that make up this entire function.
deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete)
// Deletions are added in reversed order
Uses effectTag to determine what child to delete
if there is no nextEffect then null otherwise
deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild)
using the currentFirstChild,
it uses a while cascades unto next child until all are deleted uding deleteChild
mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild)
// Add the remaining children to a temporary map
let existing be the current first
while existing is not null
if key present > existingChildren.set(existingChild.key(if no key then index), existingChild)
existingChild = sibling
return existingChildren
useFiber(fiber, pendingProps, expirationTime)
creates a fiber clone using createWorkInProgress and sets the index to 0 and sibling to null
placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIndex)
const current = alternate of the new fiber
if current !null oldindex is current
if < lastPlacedIndex newFiber.effectTag is the new Placement
else return oldIndex
// This is an insertion.
newFiber.effectTag = Placement;
return lastPlacedIndex;
updateTextNode(returnFiber, current, textContent, expirationTime)
if current null then return a new fiber using
else update the existing using
updateElement(returnFiber, current, element, expirationTime)
if current !== null and has a type then move it based on index
return existing fiber with a updated .ref .return
else insert and create a fiber using
return the createdFiber
updatePortal(returnFiber, current, portal, expirationTime)
if null tag != HostPortal(worktag)
insert a new createdfiber using createFiberFromPortal and return it
else update it using useFiber and return it
updateFragment(returnFiber, current, fragment, expirationTime, key)
if null no tag != fragment
insert createFiberFromFragment and return it
else update useFiber
createChild(returnFiber, newChild, expirationTime)
// Text nodes don't have keys.
if typeOf 'string' or 'number' return using createFiberFromText
if typeOf 'object and !==null
switch depending on newChild.$$typeof
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE > createFiberFromElement > coerceRef > return
REACT_PORTAL_TYPE > createFiberFromPortal > coerceRef > return
if newChild is an array or has iteration > createFiberFromFragment
else error throwOnInvalidObjectType
otherwise return null
updateSlot(returnFiber, OldFiber, newChild, expirationTime)
// Update the fiber if the keys match, otherwise return null and remember text nodes don't have keys
if typeof newChild is 'string' or 'number' > return updateTextNode
if key !== null > null
if typeof newChild is 'object' and !== null
switch depending on newChild.$$typeof
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE > updateElement
if type is REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE > return updateFragment
REACT_PORTAL_TYPE > if newchild.key matches > updatePortal
if newChild is an array or has iteration > updateFragment
throw if none of the cases throwOnInvalidObjectType
// The only difference is the newIdx that was created when mapping new children using mapRemainingChildren
updateFromMap(existingChildren, returnFiber, newIdx, newChild, expirationTime)
if typeof newChild is 'string' or 'number' > updateTextNode
// const matchedFiber = existingChildren.get(newIdx)
if typeof newChild is 'object' and !== null
switch depending on newChild.$$typeof
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE > updateElement
if type is REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE > return updateFragment
REACT_PORTAL_TYPE > if newchild.key matches > updatePortal
// Not Sure if this is accurate, FIX LATER
reconcileChildrenArray(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChildren, expirationTime)
using a For Loop this function will go through each children and their children
it will compare with created map Idx? and alse keep track using a new Idx
updateSlot and if there is newFiber break the loop
placeChild in the correct index
if the newIdx = newChildren.length then deleteRemainingChildren
if oldFiber is null > createChild > placeChild
// Add all children to a key map for quick lookups.
const existingChildren = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);
use another For Loop and Keep scanning and use the map to restore deleted items as moves.
finally return resultingFirstChild
reconcileChildrenIterator(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChildrenIterable, expirationTime
as per comments
// This is the same implementation as reconcileChildrenArray(),
// but using the iterator instead.
reconcileSingleTextNode(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, textContent, expirationTime)
if currentFirstChild != null and tag matches HostText
use deleteRemainingChildren > useFiber > return
createFiberFromText > return it
reconcileSingleElement(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, element, expirationTime)
while currentFirstChild !== null
deleteRemainingChildren > useFiber > coerceRef else deleteChild
return > child.sibling
// repeat until no siblings
if element.type is REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE > return createFiberFromFragment
else createFiberFromElement > coerceRef > return
reconcileSinglePortal(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, portal, expirationTime)
same as above SingleElement but Portals
reconcileChildFibers(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, expirationTime)
typeof newChild === 'object' and !== null;
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE > placeSingleChild(reconcileSingleElement)
REACT_PORTAL_TYPE > placeSingleChild(reconcileSinglePortal)
if typeof newChild is 'string' or 'number' > placeSingleChild(reconcileSingleTextNode)
if newChild isArray > reconcileChildrenArray
if newChild isiterable > reconcileChildrenIterator
finally it returns reconcileChildFibers
cloneChildFibers(current, workInProgress)
creates a newchild by using createWorkInProgress(currentChild, currentChild.pendingProps, currentChild.expirationTime)
workInProgress.child = newChild
Run a while loop on the children and go to next chid, clone it until none
Even though this function is MASSIVE, all it really does is implement Georgia Bush's NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND POLICY
Most of these functions just if there is work to be done and compare it to expirationTime and Mark different priroity. Looks complicated but once you read it a few times, it's quite simple. The abbreviations should help in remebering it cause putting the whole word just confuses the brain for like no reason.
// abbreviations
expirationTime = ET
erroredExpirationTime = eET
earliestPendingTime = ePT
latestPendingTime = lPT
earliestRemainingTime = eRT
earliestSuspendedTime = eST
latestSuspendedTime = lST
pingedTime = Pi
latestPingedTime = lPi
renderExpirationTime = rET
markPendingPriorityLevel(root, expirationTime)
// Update the latest and earliest pending times
const ePT is root's ePT
if NoWork then roots ePT is the ET
else if ePT > ET then root's ePT is ET
const lPT is root's lPT
if lPT < ET then root's lPT is ET
findNextExpirationTimeToWorkOn(expiration, root)
// This functions main purpose is to findNextExpirationToWorkOn
// but if certain conditions on the root are present then markPendingPriorityLevel
markCommittedPriorityLevels(root, earliestRemainingTime)
if eRT = NoWork then clear root's ePT, lPT, eST, lST, lPi
and findNextExpirationTimeToWorkOn(NoWork, root)
const lPT is root's lPT
if lPT !== NoWork
if lPT < eRT then root's has no work
const ePT is root's ePT
if ePT < eRT then root's ePT = lPT
const eST is root's eST
if eST has NoWork then
const lST is root's lST
if eRT > lST then root's eST, lST, lPi = NoWork
if eRT < eST
hasLowerPriorityWork(root, erroredExpirationTime)
assigns const lPT, lST, lPI to Root's counterparts
returns a true by checking if any of the above const have NoWork
and any of time are greater then the eET
// thus assigning it low priroity value
isPriorityLevelSuspended(root, expirationTime)
const eST, lST = root's eST, lST
return true if eST != NoWork and ET >= eST and ET <=lST
markSuspendedPriorityLevel(root, suspendedTime)
clearPing(root, suspendedTime) //this function checks if the root was pinged during render phase
// This is a same function as markCommittedPriorityLevels but with ST and without marking priority levels
findNextExpirationTimeToWorkOn(suspendedTime, root)
markPingedPriorityLevel(root, pingedTime)
const lPi is root's lPi
if lPi has NoWork or lPi < pingedTime then root's lPi is Pi
findEarliestOutstandingPriorityLevel(root, renderExpirationTime)
let eET = rET
const ePT, eST = root's ePT, eST
if NoWork and eST < eET then eET is ePT
return earliestExpirationTime;
didExpireAtExpiration(root, currentTime)
root's nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = currenTime
findNextExpirationTimeToWorkOn(completedExpirationTime, root)
const eST, lST, ePT,lPi = root's counterparts
// Work on the earliest pending time. Failing that, work on the latest pinged time
if nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = NoWork then it = lST
let ET = nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn
if NoWork then Et is eST
root.nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn;
root.expirationTime = expirationTime;
This is a very interesting file because it creates not one but 2 queues. There is a main function enqueueUpdate which is responsible for creating those two queues. It has a very nice system, it checks if queue1 is present based on the Fiber's updateQueue. If the queue1 is null then it creates the queue1. The interesting part is that it creates a clone of the same queue obased on the fiber.alternate updateQueue. There is a function for creating the queue createUpdateQueue. There are multiple if within the enqueueUpdate such as if both queues are null then create both and if either is null then create clone of the using cloneUpdateQueue. It gets even more interesting because there is a function called appendUpdateToQueue which appends the updates to both queues. During processing of the update queue, there is a inner function which checks if the WIP queue is a Clone.
The UpdateQueue, also exported as a type. Intial values listed
firstUpdate: null,
lastUpdate: null,
firstCapturedUpdate: null,
lastCapturedUpdate: null,
firstEffect: null,
lastEffect: null,
firstCapturedEffect: null,
lastCapturedEffect: null,
The update type
expirationTime: ExpirationTime,
// Tags below
tag: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3,
payload: any,
callback: (() => mixed) | null,
next: Update<State> | null,
nextEffect: Update<State> | null,
The exported constants for reference
UpdateState = 0;
ReplaceState = 1;
ForceUpdate = 2;
CaptureUpdate = 3;
One of the coolest functions is getStateFromUpdate, which works a lot like Redux.
parameters(workInProgress, queue, update, prevState, nextProps, instance)
switch case depending on the update.tag
const payload = update.payload
if the payload is a 'function' then return a payload.call(instance, prevState, nextProps)
return payload
WIP effectTag
const payload
let partialState
if payload is a 'function' the partialState = payload.call as above
else partialState is payload
if partialState is null or undefined then return the prevState
return Object.assign({}, prevState, partialState)
// I wonder if it's possible to put a global state here and natively implement Redux
ForceUpdate > hasForceUpdate > return prevState
return prevState
parameters(finishedWork, finishedQueue, instance, renderExpirationTime)
check is the finishedQueue.firstCapturedUpdate isn't null
if finQeue's lastUpdate isn't null then lastUpdate.next is the firstCapturedUpdate
and the lastUpdate is lastCapturedUpdate
firstCapturedUpdate > lastCapturedUpdate > null
commitUpdateEffects then set 1stEffect > LastEffect > null
commitUpdateEffects then set 1stCapturedEffect > lastCapturedEffect > null
commitUpdateEffects(effect, instance)
while callback hell
Most of these functions from the looks of it just seem to be concerned with getting the context from the Fibers.
There seems to be a general pattern emerging. Which is get something from a stack, store/cache, reconcile and then put it back in the stack.
So there is a function for getting the context from the current WIP fiber and acting on it.
getUnmaskedContext and getMaskedContext return the context.
cacheContext is reponsible for storing the context and assigning it to the WIP.stateNode
hasContextChanged returns a boolean and checks if work was performed while it's in the Stack
The following 4 functions manage the Push Pop actions on the stackCursor
pushTopLevelContextObject > double push to contextStack and didWIP
pushContextProvider > double push using previousContext
parameters(fiber, type, parentContext)
const instance = fiber.stateNode;
const childContextTypes = type.childContextTypes;
let childContext
get the instance of the child context using the stop/start PhaseTimers
return {...parentContext, ...childContext};
There is a function invalidateContextProvider that checks if change occured, then processChildContext and perform a the replacement on the stack using pop > pop and then push > push. If no change then a simple pop push.
// assigns a node variable and checks the tag
// lazy component uses getResultFromResolvedThenable comes from shared file ReactLazyComponent
switch depending on tag
HostRoot > return stateNode.context
ClassComponent > using isContextProvider > return MemoizedMergedChildContext
ClassComponentLazy > same as ClassComponent but Lazy
Pretty much this files is much like other files and it performs a switch with WIP fibers in the stack and change/replace them as needed.
This files is very similar but the main difference I'm seeing is that it creates a container for the Host root.
Note: Saw this in Reconciler.js
Initiliaze the cursors for the Stack
requiredContext(c, Value)
return c
getRootHostContainer > gets the requiredContext for the rootInstance
pushHostContainer(fiber, nextRootInstance)
// Push current root instance onto the stack;
push rootCursor, > push contextCursor > push NO_CONTEXT
get HostContext > pop context > push nextRootContext
popHostContainer > pop cursors x 3
getHostContext > using requiredContext get current cursor context
pushHostContext(fiber) > double push on to the stack, the current and next
// Do not pop unless this Fiber provided the current context.
// pushHostContext() only pushes Fibers that provide unique contexts.
popHostContext(fiber) > double pop on the stack and fiber
READ BELOW ONLY IF YOU HAVE READ THE ABOVE, as these work files will easily make sense if the inner parts are understood.
This file mostly as stated by the name begins the work on various parts.
reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderExpirationTime)
if there is no work being done on the current
mountChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderExpirationTime)
else reconcileChildFibers
forceUnmountCurrentAndReconcile(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderExpirationTime)
on the workInProgress.child run reconcileChildFiber x2
updateForwardRef(current, workInProgress, type, nextProps, renderExpirationTime)
if it doesn't have a hasLegacyContextChanged and memoizedProps=nextProps
if ref = current then bailOut
memoizProps and return the WIP.child
updatePureComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, updateExpirationTime, renderExpirationTime)
an if bailoutconditions
prepareToReadContext > reconcileChildren > memoizProps > return WIP.child
updateFragment(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
same as pure but remember that fragments and the lack of context
updateMode(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
same but for pendingProps.Children
updateFunctionComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderExpirationTime)
same as but getUnmaskedContext and getMaskedContext before reconciling
updateClassComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderExpirationTime)
if the current WIP.stateNode is null(not being worked on)
then constructClassInstance and mountClassInstance
else resumeMountClassInstance
else updateClassInstance since it's already being worked on
return finishClassComponent
finishClassComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, shouldUpdate, hasContext, renderExpirationTime)
markRef for the current WIP
an if bail condition
let nextChildren be null if there is no nextChildren, otherwise render the nextChild
if the current isn't null then forceUnmountCurrentandReconcile otherwise reconcileChildren
memoizeState and Props > return WIP.child
if it has a pendingContext then pushTopLevelContextObject with a true value, otherwise if the root has only context then set it to false
updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
assign variables to WIP.props/state and processUpdateQueue
if nextChildren = prevChildren then restHydrationState and bail out
otherwise hydrate it > mountChildFibers
and ofcourse reconcileChildren > return WIP.child
updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
assign WIP.type/pendingProps/memoizedProps
markRef > Deprioritize the subtree if needed > reconcile > memoizeProps > return WIP.child
updateHostText > just updater for above host functions
resolveDefaultProps(Component, baseProps)
using object.assign and a for let in loop resolve the props taken from ReactElement
return baseProps
mountIndeterminateComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, updateExpirationTime, renderExpirationTime)
const props = workInProgress.pendingProps
if it's 'object' and !==null, and 'function'
cancelWorkTimer > readLazyComponentType > startWorkTimer
switch (resolvedTag)
FunctionComponentLazy > updateFunctionComponent
ClassComponentLazy > updateClassComponent
ForwardRefLazy > updateForwardRef
PureComponentlazy > updatePureComponent
return WIP.props > child
assign variables and get unmasked and masked contexts > prepareToReadContext
if value is an 'object' and !null and value.render(function and undefined)
then get DerivedStateFromProps > applyDerivedStateFromProps if needed
adoptClassInstance > mountClassInstance > return finishClassComponent
otherwise reconcile > memoizProps > return WIP.child
updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
check if it's currently being worked on the component has timed out
if it's being worked on the forceUnmountCurrentAndReconcile else reconcileChildren
WIP.memoized Props/State to the nextProps and DidTimeout > return WIP.child
updatePortalComponent(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
if it isn't being worked then assign and reconcileChildFibers, else is same and > memoize > return
same as above function but newProps/oldProps = memoized
pushProvider(workInProgress, newValue)
if oldProps are present, bail out otherwise > propagateContextChange
prepareToReadContext > assign new values > reconcile > return WIP.child
// beginWork just uses the above function depending on the WIP.tag
// Keep the expiration Time in mind as well
// remember that purecomponents/lazy components have thenable functions, and just follows the same methods for pretty much all the cases.
This file literally just completes what was started by BeginWork. The beginwork sets the pieces in motion and then CompleteWork acts on the pieces.
markUpdate and markRef just tag the fibers.
appendAllChildren runs a while loop on the childrens until all the siblings are accounted for. There is an inner function called appendInitialChild which sets the loop in motion.
if the work is mutable then
updateHostComponent > get the context > prepare the update > if it has a payload > markUpdate
updateHostText > markUpdate
elif persists
appendAllChildrenToContainer(containerChildSet, workInProgress) > run a while loop on child and siblings
updateHostContainer > create the container > append > mark > finalizeContainerChildren with the newChildSet
updateHostComponent > switch old props with memoized and create a new instance > get the host context > prepareUpdate > clone > finalizeInitialChildren > markUpdate
updateHostText > if old !== newText then get host container, context > create an instance > markUpdate
else literally do nothing
// The Main Function
completeWork(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime)
switch depending on Tag
all the functions are same for the Work Tags with little variation
pop From Container
Update The Container
// Remember not all functions have these container...pure/fragments
There is no need to go over the entire ReactFiberUnwindWork when all it's doing is just setting the values(container/whatever was acted upon in beginwork) to null by popping them from where they were put in and gets ready for the next rinse and repeat There is also functions for throwing error for various conditions based on the catch error boundary which is part of the new api in React I will explain this in detail when I get the chance but if you have made it this far then you should automatically know what should happen here.
This file is in charge of creating the container, and scheduling the whole Fiber Update process.
// 0 is PROD, 1 is DEV For BundleType
if null then return emptyContextObject
Get the map of the fiber instance, and findCurrentUnmaskedContext(fiber)
if the fibers tag is ClassComponent then processChildContext, if it's lazy do the whole thenable and process context
return parentContext
scheduleRootUpdate(current, element, expirationTime, callback)
create > enqueue > scheduleWork > return expirationTime
updateContainerAtExpirationTime(element, container, parentComponent, expirationTime, callback)
get the current container, and contextForSubTree
if context is null then return context else set it to pending
return schedule RootUpdate
get the hostFiber using findCurrentHostFiber and return it's stateNode
createContainer(containerInfo, isConcurrent, hydrate) > return the created Fiber Root
updateContainer(element, container, parentComponent, callback)
on the current container > computeExpirationForFiber and return updateContainerAtExpirationTime
get the current container and depending on it's HostComponent get it's public Instance, which is the child.stateNode
it's creating a container for the current component/whatever(get Fibers and all for the root)
and then scheduling an update at Root,
at this stage setState should trigger, which ends up scheduling the work assigning expirationTimes.
Scheduling The Work will start the process of
Begin > CompleteWork > UnWind > Commit
Where it does work such as Reconciling Child Fibers, context, and etc.
Update the component/whatever, rinse and repeat
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