1.0 (Beta 34)
Pre-releaseCritical Changes
added layouts for recommendations LWC, wrapper class, and flow launch logic [PR16]
update inner class [PR17]
includes initial flow for sending referrals [PR19]
Add methods to Email Service class [PR25]
Add test class to test the EmailService class [PR25]
bulkification and additional test method [PR28]
Added additional unit tests [PR29]
change format of service rec fields [PR30]
Added helper classes to create emails [PR39]
Added Visualforce email template [PR39]
Added Visualforce component [PR39]
add outer div to show no recommendations [PR42]
refresh recommendations [PR42]
test server call to getRecommendations [PR42]
merge updated get recordId format [PR43]
Fixed an issue found when testing, updated unit test to catch the bug [PR44]
changed syntax on imperative method [PR45]
Update email template to include more dynamic info, where the field is available [PR46]
added child component for service recommendation [PR47]
working server side getRecommendations [PR47]
added code to send the referral followup email/text [PR48]
add new email component and new VF email for followup messages [PR49]
Icons can now be changed based on ProgramType passed to service recommendation [PR50]
changes to recommendations outer layout [PR51]
add js and apex logic to add Feed Item to Service recommendation [PR52]
Added new custom metadata records to hold info for additional carriers [PR53]
remove hard coded recordId from serviceRecommendations. [PR54]
Get the open hours and put them in the email [PR56]
Add an email service for inbound responses to recommendations [PR57]
updated layout for ratings and map expansion [PR58]
added map modal and css static resource for modal width [PR59]
Added several more messages to the conversation flow [PR62]
Included updated layout for expanded map modal including filter view [PR63]
Layout and UI changes including adding star rating and. multiselect picklists for service types [PR64]
changed prevent default on relevance dropdown [PR66]
Updated email templates with referral information and referral owner [PR69]
added download logic [PR72]
Only deploys Scoring CMDT if there are changes (test fix) [PR73]
github action will create a beta release package on every PR merge. [PR77]
apex testing for buildable test coverage (75%+) [PR78]
updated test classes [PR80]
Capture the scores returned by the client. adds unit tests and response email sent after score is saved. [PR82]
creates new Referral_Response__c object [PR85]
adds logic to create/update records when emails are sent and responses are received [PR85]
Change the tracking of emails to be via the referral response rather than by the referral [PR87]
Update the logic in the email handler so that it provides directed guidance messages [PR113]
add email that goes to the case manager when the client asks for help [PR114]
created an apex schedulable batch to sent initial referral messages [PR117]
fixes to the email sender to correctly work in batch [PR121]
LWC updates when client profile is changed by flow [PR122]
Create the batch class and the test class [PR123]
change the initial referral batch job so that it is triggered by a task of "Info to Client" [PR130]
Add a task Id field to Referral_Response__c object and populate it w a reference to the task that caused the question to be sent, when possible [PR132]
expose Scoring.ScoreAll as global [PR134]
layout changes [PR20]
minor layout changes [PR21]
Updated .gitignore [PR61]
Updated layouts and logic for multiselect picklist events [PR67]
change relavance div layout and add time formatting [PR68]
print referral vfp stub [PR70]
some test coverage and namespace resolution utilities [PR73]
flow for package release (will make a github action next) [PR73]
removes .localdevserver and .history [PR73]
history ignore fix [PR77]
rename packaging action [PR78]
automate org deletion of beta and testing orgs [PR78]
fix post-package deploy check [PR81]
also run ci on branches with / in the [PR83]
Add scoring logic and CMDT for Preferred services and distance (first negative-weight metric) [PR86]
housing status fields on client_profile and service [PR88]
scoring for housing status [PR88]
cmdt metrics and weights [PR88]
matches as string[] on ServiceRecommendation (simpler than indicators, potentially more useful for @AIrwin33 on filters) [PR88]
mapping.yml has new fields for dataseet_extract [PR92]
stabilized print function [PR110]
Platform event (to be hooked into Client_Profile update flow in future work) causes LWC to refresh its query #91 [PR111]
runs config_dev flow on push to make sure test data is still ok [PR111]
turns off LWC/UI caching for dev org [PR111]
doesn't show TodaysHours if it's null [PR111]
scoring range fix [PR112]
nice data logging [PR112]
add employment criteria [PR115]
updated layouts [PR116]
added logic to filter by type [PR116]
updated format and fixed referral flow logic [PR118]
add ReviewCount to track total number of reviews on recommendations [PR119]
Add referralCount to ServiceRecommendation for client-side sorting @AIrwin33 [PR120]
Flow uses the Other Address field from Contact on client profile. Modify the flow if you want to use another location field [PR122]
UI changes and removing filtering [PR126]
remove deprecated @track (perf) [PR127]
clean up icon handling markup/js with a imported map file and a getter (perf) [PR127]
added HiddenAll flag [PR128]
updated refresh event after hidden is updated [PR128]
hiddenAll on serviceRecommendation populated [PR131]
layout changes on menu items [PR133]
improved setup for beta (package install orgs), including data load [PR134]
beta orgs have flag to allow CMDT deploys from apex [PR135]
Pull requests with no release notes
Initial data model [PR1]
Initial data model [PR2]
Initial data model [PR4]
created a CMDT to store carrier info [PR5]
Create carrier metadata record [PR6]
Initial data model [PR7]
Initial data model [PR10]
methods with tests [PR11]
- service fields, hours, accounts, +sample data [PR14]
add DAO class for carrier settings [PR15]
Create EmailService class, add carrier field to Contact [PR18]
clean wrapper [PR22]
changed layout and added css on recommendations [PR23]
change format on menu items [PR24]
change icon markup and include contact page layout [PR26]
Get recommendations [PR27]
resolve conflicts [PR31]
add hidden to service rec [PR32]
update popover layout and change hide contact logic [PR33]
add logic and placeholder markdown for unhide contacts [PR34]
update referral flow logic [PR35]
update hide logic [PR36]
add comment section and flexipage [PR37]
Ft: hide logic on recs [PR38]
Scoring [PR40]
Scoring [PR55]
change record Id for testing [PR65]
updated recordId [PR74]
updated print logic and gitignore [PR75]
revert print logic [PR76]
updated download link [PR84]