1 new security issue (0 max.).
Here is an overview of what got changed by this pull request:
+ Solved 4
- Added 11
Coverage increased per file
+ src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php 1.239
Complexity increasing per file
- src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php 1
Clones added
- test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php 4
See the complete overview on Codacy
Check notice on line 47 in src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
Check notice on line 47 in src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Expected 1 space after IF keyword; 0 found
Check notice on line 47 in src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Operator ! prohibited; use === FALSE instead
Check warning on line 47 in src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
The use of function is_null() is discouraged; use strict comparison "=== null" instead.
Check notice on line 47 in src/Http/OauthMiddleware.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line IF statement; found 0 spaces
Check notice on line 18 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be the last content on the line
Check notice on line 20 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Closing parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be on a line by itself
Check notice on line 22 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be the last content on the line
Check notice on line 24 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Closing parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be on a line by itself
Check notice on line 101 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Missing doc comment for function testCheckAllowedUserScope()
Check notice on line 130 in test/OauthMiddlewareTest.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Closing parenthesis not aligned correctly; expected 30 spaces but found 16