Super fast multiple sequence alignments against a reference sequence.
Uses minimap2 (specifically rust bindings to minimap2 via the minimap2-rs crate) to get alignments between a reference sequence and a set of query sequences, and outputs this as a single aligned fasta file.
You might use this when you have several thousand seqeunces to align, but expect low diverstiy between sequences (i.e an outbreak). In these situations minimap2 does a good enough job, and is much quicker than traditional MSA methods.
Quick multiple sequnce alignment using minimap2
Usage: fastalign [OPTIONS] --input <Unaligned FASTA> --reference <Reference FASTA> --output <Output FASTA>
-i, --input <Unaligned FASTA> Input (unaligned) FASTA file
-r, --reference <Reference FASTA> Input reference FASTA file
-o, --output <Output FASTA> Output alignment file
-t, --threads <Threads> Number of threads to use. Default: 1 [default: 1]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- Reads a reference sequence from the specified FASTA file.
- Processes the input FASTA file containing the query sequences.
- Using minimap2, each query sequence is aligned to the reference sequence.
- The alignment process is parallelised across as many threads as you can give it.
- Insertions are omitted from the output alignment in order to preserve the reference sequence length, deletions are kept as
- The aligned sequences are written to the output FASTA file.