A paged, pretty printer for FASTQ files.
Like zcat reads.fastq.gz | less
but nicer.
Kind of a gimmick, mildly useful.
Requires cargo
cargo install fatcat
To install please refer to the rust documentation: docs
git clone
cd fatcat
cargo build --release
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/target/release
All executables will be in the directory fatcat/target/release.
fatcat <fastq_file> [options]
Reads will be displayed in a paged format. Use the arrow keys (the scroll wheel and PgUp&PgDown work too) to navigate and q
to quit. Read names will be highlighted based on pass/fail of the filters. Green if all filters pass, red if any fail.
-q, --quality <min_quality_score>
This will set the threshold for the average quality score of a read. If the average quality score of a read is below this threshold, the Q score will be highlighted in red, and the filter fail.
-l, --length <min_length>
This will set the threshold for the read length. If the read length is below this threshold, the length will be highlighted in red, and the filter fail.
This will show the read descriptions alongside the read names. Default is to hide them.