This game is having three elements: rock, paper, and scissors. Each element is weak against one element and strong against the other and neutral against itself.
If two players throw out the same element it will be a draw but if they throw out different elements then the stronger one wins.
- This program will be a console program.
- User will just enter the name of their element.
- The opponent will be the computer.
- The game will have five rounds
- After each round the output will show the selected element and the winner and the current points.
- The input will be taken using prompt.
Take input from User
Generate input from computer
Compare the two inputs
Display result
begin next round
After rounds end, announce the winner.
- Let's first take the input from the user
- Take Computer's inputs
- Compare the inputs
- Decide the winner of the round.
- Repeat these steps 5 times and each time change the final score.
- Add buttons inside a div container.
- Style the buttons using flexbox.
- Style the colors.
- Add a div below buttons to display the current score and announce winner.
- Add a button to start another game.
- Add link to github.
When user clicks element button,
- Take button text content as user input
- Generate computer input
- Compare the input
- Decide winner
- Display current score to score board
- When 5 ronds are over, display final results.
When User press new game button
- Reset all variables
- Start game again