This project is designed for COMP 3005 - Winter 2024. It aims to create a comprehensive platform for managing the operations of a health and fitness club, catering to members, trainers, and administrative staff. The system allows members to register, set fitness goals, manage profiles, and schedule training sessions. Trainers can manage their schedules and view member profiles. Administrative staff can handle room bookings, equipment maintenance, class schedules, billing, and payments.
- git clone
- cd FitForAll
- C:\ ...\FitForAll> (you should be here)
- pip install psycopg2
- pip install django
- set the database name to 'fitforall'
- ensure DB_HOST = localhost
- ensure DB_PORT = 5432
- create a username of your choice
- create a password of your choice
- set DB_USER to match the user corresponding to your Database
- set DB_PASSWORD to match the password corresponding to your Database
- pip install psycopg2
- pip install django
- cd .\FitForAll\
- C:\ ...\FitForAll\FitForAll> (you should be here)
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- Copy the code found in DML.sql into the querry tool in pgAdmin
- Execute the code to fill the tables with data
- python runserver
- Trainer Login Credentials: USER = 'trainer', PASSWORD = 'trainer'
- Admin Login Credentials: USER = 'admin', PASSWORD = 'admin'
- Allows new users to register as members of the gym.
- Requires members to provide personal information, including name, password, height, weight, and fitness goals.
- Ensures that each member has a unique username or email for login purposes.
- Provides a login form for registered members to access their personalized dashboard.
- The dashboard includes features such as:
- Scheduling, viewing, and cancelling personal training sessions
- Checking available periods for personal training sessions.
- Enrolling and Unenrolling in Group Fitness Classes.
- Access to workout history and upcoming scheduled sessions.
- Ability to update personal information and fitness goals.
- Submitting detailed health information to the member's profile (Blood Pressure readings, height, weight, age, fitness goals, exercise habits)
which are useful for:
- creating a full exercise routine according to the member's body attributes and fitness goals
- Calculating and displaying health statistics (BMI, Blood Pressure, and Basal Metabolic Rate)
- Displaying Fitness Achievements to track the member's fitness journey
- Provides a login form for trainers to access their dashboard.
- Daily Scheduling and Availability:
- Trainers can update their daily availability by setting specific check-in and check-out times for each day of the week..
- Default times are set to '0:00' which indicates no availability unless updated.
- Member Search Functionality:
- Search for members by name to quickly access their profile information.
- View booked classes for members.
- Provides a login form for admin to access their dashboard.
- Allows management of the entire gym system, including:
- Adding or removing equipment, scheduling maintenance, and changing functioning/broken/maintenance status of the machines.
- Creating and deleting room bookings for official classes.
- Adding and updating billing status and payment methods for members