The main concern of our project is to creat full responsive, reactive, authentication, authorization based Ecommerce web service with React js latest version.
- Full Responsive
- Authentication & Authorization
- Fullscreen mode
- Class and Object based state and hook system
- State and Hook based system
- Stripe payment sandbox api and same time cash on delivery system added
- Image are processed before saving with Jimp in backend
- Tokenized system with Hashing of user password
- User or Seller account creation are controlled with otp and verifying
- Verification with mail
- React Js
- State Handle
- Hook System
- React Star Rating Module
- React Countdown Timer
- React Js Pagination Module
- React Router Dom
- Axios
- Props Handling
The Project has three segment of login (User, Seller, Employee). If a seller does registration before login as the seller make sure to verify it using employee user id .... Employee can log in at Employee page. Employee admin id : email : [email protected] pass : iamgoku
In order to run it make sure to remember .... Inside Index.js there are two setting I did for Rest Api handling ...
- axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8000';
- axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '+localStorage.getItem('token');
Here, i ran it in my localhost and my backed rest api was in this url. So, i used this base url so change it when you host it.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project // You project directory
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start