Powered by Jekyll Academic, developed by NCSU Libraries, a template utilizes Jekyll, as well as a theme based largely off of the Minimal Mistakes theme by Michael Rose. Its features include the ability to create blog posts, a dedicated resume page, social media integration. It is also designed to be hosted on GitHub pages.
See details in notes/notes_jekyll.md
Contain profile, resume, projects, blogs.
Low Risk:
├── index.md
├── resume.md
├── _config.yml
├── _posts
│ └── YYYY-MM-DD-title.md
├── images
│ ├── bio-photo.jpg
│ └── logo.png
├── _data
│ └── navigation.yml
Medium Risk:
├── _sass
├── _includes
│ ├── _author-bio.html
│ ├── _browser-upgrade.html
│ ├── _cvhead.html
│ ├── _disqus_comments.html
│ ├── _feed-footer.html
│ ├── _footer.html
│ ├── _head.html
│ ├── _navigation.html
│ ├── _open-graph.html
│ ├── _scripts.html
│ ├── _social-share.html
│ └── _toc.html
├── _layouts
│ ├── home.html
│ ├── page.html
│ ├── post-index.html
│ ├── post.html
│ ├── presentation-post-index.html
│ ├── resume.html
│ └── slide.html
├── assets
High Risk:
├── favicon.png
├── presentations.md
├── blog.md
├── 404.md
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Gruntfile.js
├── README.md
- Jekyll academic workshop handout.pdf provided by GWU library
- Site structure with risky levels
- Jekyll Academic(github)
- Minimal Mistakes Theme
- Jekyll Resources
GWU Libraries workshop "Build a Professional Website With GitHub Pages"