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fernanqv edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 1 revision

How to run a demo experiment

  1. Start up WRF4G :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g start
Starting DRM4G .... 
Starting ssh-agent ...
  1. Show information about all available resources and their host :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g resource
RESOURCE            STATE               
localmachine        enabled

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g host list 
HID ARCH       JOBS(R/T) LRMS       HOSTNAME            
0   x86_64           0/0 fork       localmachine    

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g host list 0        
HID ARCH       JOBS(R/T) LRMS       HOSTNAME            
0   x86_64           0/0 fork       localmachine        

default            0/0    0     0     1     1                 
  1. Define an experiment called test from a template :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test define --from-template=single
  1. Take a look at test experiment configuration :
[user@mycomputer~]$ cat test/experiment.wrf4g 
# Experiment configuration
name                 = test
# Simulation domain
max_dom              = 1
# Experiment time-specification
#                      start_date          | end_date            | chunk_size_h
date_time            = 2011-08-28_12:00:00 | 2011-08-30_00:00:00 | 12 hours
calendar             = standard
timestep_dxfactor    = 6
# Running options 
np                   = 1
requirements         = ARCH = "x86_64"
clean_after_run      = yes
save_wps             = no
real_parallel        = no
wrf_parallel         = yes
# Input data
domain_path          = /home/user/WRF4G_2_0/repository/domains/Santander_50km
# Vtables must exist as Vtable.[input_extdata]
extdata_vtable       = GFS 
extdata_path         = /home/user/WRF4G_2_0/repository/input/NCEP/GFS
# Seconds between global analysis input times
extdata_interval     = 21600     
preprocessor         = default
# Output
output_path          = /home/user/test/output
postprocessor        = SFC
wrfout_name_end_date = no
# app
app                  = wrf_all_in_one | bundle | /home/user/WRF4G_2_0/repository/apps/WRF/WRFbin-3.4.1_r2265_gfortran.tar.gz
# WRF-namelist parameters. Override namelist.input variables here
namelist_version     = 3.4.1
namelist             = spec_bdy_width     | 10
                       spec_zone          | 1
	               relax_zone         | 9
		       feedback           | 0
		       history_interval   | 180
		       frames_per_outfile | 3
		       e_vert             | 28
		       mp_physics         | 4   
		       radt               | 15
		       ra_lw_physics      | 3
		       ra_sw_physics      | 3
  1. Create the test experiment on WRF4G :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test create --dir test 
Checking the variables in experiment.wrf4g file
Preparing namelist 3.4.1 version ... 
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_year.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_month.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_day.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_hour.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_minute.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable start_second.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_year.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_month.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_day.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_hour.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_minute.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable end_second.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable input_from_file.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable history_interval.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable frames_per_outfile.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable e_we.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable e_sn.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable e_vert.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable dx.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable dy.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable grid_id.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable parent_id.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable i_parent_start.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable j_parent_start.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable parent_grid_ratio.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable parent_time_step_ratio.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable mp_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable ra_lw_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable ra_sw_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable radt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable sf_sfclay_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable sf_surface_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable bl_pbl_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable bldt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable cu_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable cudt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable sf_urban_physics.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable diff_6th_opt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable diff_6th_factor.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable zdamp.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable dampcoef.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable khdif.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable kvdif.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable non_hydrostatic.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable moist_adv_opt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable scalar_adv_opt.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable specified.
WRF Check Warning: Trimming variable nested.
WRF Check Warning: radt is shorter than dx (0.500000)
WRF Check Warning: CAM radiation selected but paerlev/levsiz/cam_abs_dim1/cam_abs_dim2 was not set. Fixing...
---> Realization test-default-20110828T120000: start date 2011-08-28 12:00:00 end date 2011-08-30 00:00:00
		---> Chunk 1 2011-08-28_12:00:00 2011-08-29_00:00:00
		---> Chunk 2 2011-08-29_00:00:00 2011-08-29_12:00:00
		---> Chunk 3 2011-08-29_12:00:00 2011-08-30_00:00:00
  1. Submit the experiment :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test submit 
---> Submitting Realization test-default-20110828T120000
	---> Submitting Chunk 1 2011-08-28_12:00:00 2011-08-29_00:00:00
	---> Submitting Chunk 2 2011-08-29_00:00:00 2011-08-29_12:00:00
	---> Submitting Chunk 3 2011-08-29_12:00:00 2011-08-30_00:00:00
  1. Check the evolution of the experiment :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    1/3        localmachine     CONF_APP        0 -     0.00

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    1/3        localmachine     METGRID         0 -     0.00

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    1/3        localmachine     WRF             0 -     0.00

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    2/3        -                SUBMITTED       1 -    33.33

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    2/3        localmachine     CONF_APP        1 -    33.33

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    2/3        localmachine     UNGRIB          1 -    33.33

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    2/3        localmachine     WRF             1 -    33.33

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    3/3        -                SUBMITTED       2 -    66.67

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    3/3        localmachine     CONF_APP        2 -    66.67

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    3/3        localmachine     UNGRIB          2 -    66.67

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    3/3        localmachine     REAL            2 -    66.67

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            RUNNING    3/3        localmachine     WRF             2 -    66.67

[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g exp test status
REALIZATION                                             STATUS     CHUNKS     RESOURCE         RUN STATUS    JID EXT      %
test-default-20110828T120000                            FINISHED   3/3        localmachine     FINISHED        2 0   100.00
  1. Check out the output :
[user@mycomputer~]$ tree $HOME/test/output/test/test-default-20110828T120000/
├── db.conf
├── experiment.wrf4g
├── log
│   ├── log_1_0.tar.gz
│   ├── log_2_1.tar.gz
│   └── log_3_2.tar.gz
├── namelist.input
├── output
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── realization.json
├── realout
└── restart
  1. You can also check out chunk's logs. Example of chunk number 1 :
[user@mycomputer~]$ wrf4g rea test-default-20110828T120000 log 1
Unpacking /home/user/.wrf4g/var/submission/test/test-default-20110828T120000/log_1_0.tar.gz file in the ./ directory
[user@mycomputer~]$ ls log_1_0main.log  metgrid.log  postprocessor.SFC.log  preprocessor.default.log  rsl_real  rsl_wrf  ungrib_GFS.log
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