This Tool is made for Educational Purposes only
Get Telegram Bot API Key and paste it in the code
/screen to capture screenshot.🖵
/sys to get system informations.ℹ️
/ip to get ip adress.📟
/cd to navigate in folders.🗂️
/ls for list elements.🗂️
/upload [path] to get file.📤
/crypt [path] for crypt folders files. 🔒
/decrypt [path] for decrypt files.🔓
/webcam to get webcam capture.📷
/lock for lock the session.🔑
/clipoard to get clipboard.📋
/help Get Command Help
/shell for pro.🖬
/wifi to get wifi password.📶
/speech [hi] to speech tts.💬
/shutdown 🙅