Add Umami Analytics easily to your Svelte or SvelteKit app and track analytics and custom events. All by this type-safe Svelte component.
Important - this requires a Umami Analytics account.
- UmamiAnalytics: Umami initialization
- UmamiAnalyticsEnv: Umami initialization with environment variables (SvelteKit needed)
- UmamiTrackClicks: Track clicks in an area
- trackPageView: Manual page view tracking
- trackEvent: Event tracking
- handleEvent: Svelte event handler for event tracking
- isEnabled: Store for reading and writing if the tracking is enabled
- status: Store for keeping track of the Script status
npm i --save-dev @lukulent/svelte-umami
- include somewhere, where it will be run once e.g. +layout.svelte
import { UmamiAnalytics } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
<UmamiAnalytics websiteID="123456" srcURL="" />
import { UmamiAnalytics } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
'data-auto-track': true,
'data-tag': 'example',
'data-exclude-search': true,
'data-host-url': '',
'data-domains': '',
'data-cache': true
Note: SvelteKit needed
- .env
- +layout.svelte
import { UmamiAnalyticsEnv } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
<UmamiAnalyticsEnv />
Per default all page views will be tracked als long as, UmamiAnalytics is initialized. You can disable this behavior by adding 'data-auto-track': false to the configuration property.
<script lang="ts">
import { trackPageView } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
onMount(() => {
or use custom properties as defined here
<button on:click={(e) => trackPageView({ url: 'test', referrer: 'google' })}>
Per default all events will be tracked als long as, UmamiAnalytics is initialized and the element has the data-umami-event property. You can disable this behavior by adding 'data-auto-track': false to the configuration property.
import { UmamiAnalytics } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
<UmamiAnalytics websiteID="123456" srcURL="" />
<button data-umami-event="button pressed"> Click me </button>
<script lang="ts">
import { UmamiAnalytics, trackEvent } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
'data-auto-track': false
<button on:click={(e) => trackEvent('button pressed', { key: 'value' })}> Track Event </button>
there is a pre-defined event handler in this library
<script lang="ts">
import { UmamiAnalytics, handleEvent } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
'data-auto-track': false
<button data-umami-event="clicker" on:click={handleEvent}> Clicker </button>
<input data-umami-event="name" type="text" on:change={handleEvent} />
<select on:change={handleEvent} data-umami-event="cars">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
If you want to track clicks for a complete section of your website or just multiple elements together, you can use UmamiTrackClicks.
import { UmamiAnalytics, UmamiTrackClicks } from '@lukulent/svelte-umami';
'data-auto-track': false
<UmamiTrackClicks name="element clicked">
<section data-umami-event="section">
<h1 data-umami-event="header">Click Tracker Track</h1>
<h2>please add UmamiTrackClicks around your elements and add data-umami-event where needed</h2>
<button data-umami-event="button"> Click me </button>
Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can contribute to the project:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your desired changes to the codebase.
- Test your changes to ensure they work as expected.
- Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request to the original repository.
Please make sure to follow the project's coding conventions and guidelines when making your changes. Also, consider writing tests for your code if applicable.
Thank you for contributing to the project!
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install
(or pnpm install
or yarn
), start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
Everything inside src/lib
is part of your library, everything inside src/routes
can be used as a showcase or preview app.
To test a package, you can use npm link, which links a package globally, and lets you use it anywhere.
npm link
You can run the following command to see your linked packages:
npm ls --link --global
To build your library:
npm run package
To create a production version of your showcase app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
Go into the package.json
and give your package the desired name through the "name"
option. Also consider adding a "license"
field and point it to a LICENSE
file which you can create from a template (one popular option is the MIT license).
To publish your library to npm:
npm publish --access public