I am Satin Wuker, the founder of the Rickroll programming language;
a student who devotes himself to compiler & interpreter development, AI, research, and cool stuff.
I have become swamped since school started;-; Sorry if you find me not replying to your issue or PR
but I will still try to study cutting-edge technology and publish useful and outstanding projects!
The Rickroll Programing Language rewritten in Rust with an interpreter and an Inkwell (LLVM)-based compiler. ____________________________________________________________ |
Rust ★ 1 |
Implementing various algorithms for fun and learning.
Collection of various algorithms implemented in Nim for educational purposes. ____________________________________________________________ |
Nim ★ 73 |
All Algorithms implemented in Fortran. Making Fortran Great Again! ____________________________________________________________ |
Fortran ★ 42 |
All algorithms implemented in Mojo. (The first open-sourced Mojo repository on GitHub) ____________________________________________________________ |
Mojo ★ 33 |
Contributed during at spare time
粤语編程語言.The Cantonese programming language. ____________________________________________________________ |
Python/C++ ★ 1147 |
🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications ____________________________________________________________ |
Python ★ 89510 |
a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. ____________________________________________________________ |
C++ ★ 27077 |
The Python Programming Language ____________________________________________________________ |
C ★ 61240 |
Building fun and somehow "useful" gizmos in my spare time.
A Rubik's Cube scrambler written in C++, very sketchy. Intended to make a programming language based on Rubik's cube. ____________________________________________________________ |
C++ ★ 17 |
a web scraper that can find all of the images and links/suburls on a webpage ____________________________________________________________ |
Python ★ 61 |
RNA Genetic code encoder & decoder written in Rust ____________________________________________________________ |
Rust ★ 5 |
A simple Morse Code encoder & decoder ____________________________________________________________ |
Python ★ 28 |