A modern, responsive website for a creative agency built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website features a sleek Neomorphic design with dark mode support and smooth animations.
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout that works seamlessly across all devices
- Dark/Light Mode: Toggle between dark and light themes with persistent user preference
- Neomorphic UI: Modern neomorphic design elements with smooth shadows and gradients
- Interactive Elements:
- Smooth scroll navigation
- Portfolio filtering system
- Testimonial carousel
- Parallax scrolling effects
- Mouse trail particle effects
- CSS3 (Custom properties, Flexbox, Grid, Animations)
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Font Awesome Icons
- Google Fonts
- Primary: #6C63FF
- Secondary: #4CAF50
- Background: #E0E5EC
- Text: #333333
- Primary: #7C4DFF
- Secondary: #00E676
- Background: #1A1B1E
- Text: #FFFFFF
Sayed Razibur Rahman
- GitHub: @SayedRazibur
- LinkedIn: Sayed Razibur Rahman
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