- Overview
- Setup - The basics of getting started with proxysql
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
The proxysql module installs, configures and manages the ProxySQL service.
This module will install the ProxySQL and manage it's configuration. It also extends Puppet to be able to manage mysql_users
, mysql_servers
, mysql_replication_hostgroups
, mysql_galera_hostgroups
, mysql_query_rules
, proxysql_servers
, scheduler
and global_variables
The module requires Puppet 5.5.8 and above. It also depends on:
- puppetlabs/mysql
- puppetlabs/apt - (Not strictly required on non Debian based systems)
- puppetlabs/stdlib
- camptocamp/systemd - (Not strictly required if installing ProxySQL 1.4)
For up to date details on external dependencies, please see the metadata.json or for released versions, the puppet forge page.
To install the ProxySQL software with all the default options:
include proxysql
By default, packages come from the official upstream package repositories which the module will configure. On new installations, (by default), the 2.0.x repository will be configured. If ProxySQL is already installed, then the repository matching the currently installed version will be used.
To force the use of 1.4.x packages, use the version
parameter. (Note, the example below does not force the installation of 1.4.16
, it only ensures the correct repository
is configured and that ProxySQL will be configured as if the version installed is 1.4.16
class { 'proxysql':
version => '1.4.16',
To use your Operating System's own packages set manage_repo => false
class { 'proxysql':
manage_repo => false,
or you can configure your own repository by eg. declaring your own yumrepo
, pulp_rpmbind
or rhn_channel
resource and setting manage_repo => false
For example, using pulp
and katello/pulp
pulp_rpmbind { 'my_proxysql_repo':}
class { 'proxysql':
manage_repo => false,
require => Pulp_rpmbind['my_proxysql_repo'],
Alternatively, you can specify a package_source
and associated options. This mimics the old, (pre version 4), behaviour of this module.
class { 'proxysql':
package_source => 'https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/releases/download/v1.4.11/proxysql_1.4.11-debian9_amd64.deb',
package_checksum_value => '65a3c2b98eefa42946ee59eef18ba18534c2a39d',
package_checksum_type => 'sha1',
You can customize options such as (but not limited to) listen_port
, admin_password
, monitor_password
, ...
class { 'proxysql':
listen_port => 3306,
admin_password => Sensitive('654321'),
monitor_password => Sensitive('123456'),
override_config_settings => $override_settings,
You can configure users\hostgroups\rules\schedulers using class parameters
class { 'proxysql':
mysql_servers => [
'db1' => {
'port' => 3306,
'hostgroup_id' => 1,
'db2' => {
'hostgroup_id' => 2,
mysql_users => [
'app' => {
'password' => '*92C74DFBDA5D60ABD41EFD7EB0DAE389F4646ABB',
'default_hostgroup' => 1,
'ro' => {
'password' => mysql_password('MyReadOnlyUserPassword'),
'default_hostgroup' => 2,
mysql_hostgroups => [
'1-2' => {
'writer' => 1,
'reader' => 2,
mysql_group_replication_hostgroups => [
'hostgroup 2' => {
'reader' => 10,
'writer' => 5,
'backup' => 2,
'offline' => 11,
mysql_galera_hostgroups => [
'galera hostgroup 1' => {
'writer' => 1,
'backup' => 2,
'reader' => 3,
'offline' => 4,
mysql_rules => [
'mysql_query_rule-1' => {
'rule_id' => 1,
'match_pattern' => 'testtable',
'replace_pattern' => 'test.newtable',
'apply' => 1,
'active' => 1,
schedulers => [
'scheduler-1' => {
'scheduler_id' => 1,
'active' => 0,
'filename' => '/usr/bin/whoami',
Or by using individual resources:
class { 'proxysql':
listen_port => 3306,
admin_password => Sensitive('SuperSecretPassword'),
proxy_mysql_server { '':
hostname => '',
port => 3306,
hostgroup_id => 31,
proxy_mysql_server { '':
hostname => '',
port => 3306,
hostgroup_id => 31,
proxy_mysql_server { '':
hostname => '',
port => 3306,
hostgroup_id => 31,
proxy_mysql_server { '':
hostname => '',
port => 3306,
hostgroup_id => 31,
proxy_mysql_server { '':
hostname => '',
port => 3306,
hostgroup_id => 31,
proxy_mysql_replication_hostgroup { '30-31':
writer_hostgroup => 30,
reader_hostgroup => 31,
comment => 'Replication Group 1',
proxy_mysql_replication_hostgroup { '20-21':
writer_hostgroup => 20,
reader_hostgroup => 21,
comment => 'Replication Group 2',
proxy_mysql_group_replication_hostgroup { '5-2-10-11':
reader_hostgroup => 10,
writer_hostgroup => 5,
backup_writer_hostgroup => 2,
offline_hostgroup => 11,
proxy_mysql_galera_hostgroup { '1-2-3-4':
writer_hostgroup => 1,
backup_writer_hostgroup => 2,
reader_hostgroup => 3,
offline_hostgroup => 4,
proxy_mysql_user { 'tester':
password => 'testerpwd',
default_hostgroup => 30,
proxy_mysql_query_rule { 'mysql_query_rule-1':
rule_id => 1,
match_pattern => '^SELECT',
apply => 1,
active => 1,
destination_hostgroup => 31,
proxy_scheduler { 'scheduler-1':
scheduler_id => 1,
active => 0,
filename => '/usr/bin/whoami',
proxy_scheduler { 'scheduler-2':
scheduler_id => 2,
active => 0,
interval_ms => 1000,
filename => '/usr/bin/id',
Configuration is done by the proxysql
You can override any configuration setting by using the override_config_settings
hash. This hash resembles the structure of the proxysql.cnf
admin_variables => {
refresh_interval => 2000,
mysql_variables => {
monitor_writer_is_also_reader => false,
mysql_servers => {
'' => {
'address' => '',
    'port' => 33061,
'hostgroup_id' => 1,
'' => {
'address' => '',
    'port' => 33062,
'hostgroup_id' => 1,
mysql_users => { ... },
mysql_query_rules => { ... },
scheduler => { ... },
mysql_replication_hostgroups => { ... },
mysql_galera_hostgroups => { ... },
: Installs and configures ProxySQL
: Manages the admin credentials and admin interfacesproxysql::config
: Manages the configuration files andglobal_variables
: Manages the resources specified in the public classproxysql::install
: Installs the package(s)proxysql::param
: Manages the default parametersproxysql::prerequisites
: Manages the user / group to own the proxysql filesproxysql::reload_config
: Reloads admin and mysql variables if you enable themanage_config_file
: Manages the repo's where ProxySQL might be in.proxysql::service
: Manages the service
The name of the ProxySQL package in your package manager. Defaults to 'proxysql'
The ensure of the ProxySQL package resource. Defaults to 'latest'
The name of the ProxySQL service resource. Defaults to 'proxysql'
The ensure of the ProxySQL service resource. Defaults to 'running'
The directory where ProxySQL will store it's data. defaults to '/var/lib/proxysql'
The ip where the ProxySQL service will listen on. Defaults to '' aka all configured IP's on the machine
The port where the ProxySQL service will listen on. Defaults to '6033'
The socket where the ProxySQL service will listen on. Defaults to '/tmp/proxysql.sock'
The username to connect to the ProxySQL admin interface. Defaults to 'admin'
The password to connect to the ProxySQL admin interface. Defaults to 'admin'
The ip where the ProxySQL admin interface will listen on. Defaults to ''
The port where the ProxySQL admin interface will listen on. Defaults to '6032'
The socket where the ProxySQL admin interface will listen on. Defaults to '/tmp/proxysql_admin.sock'
The username ProxySQL will use to connect to the configured mysql_servers. Defaults to 'monitor'
The password ProxySQL will use to connect to the configured mysql_servers. Defaults to 'monitor'
The file where the ProxySQL configuration is saved. This will only be configured if manage_config_file
is set to true
Defaults to '/etc/proxysql.cnf'
Determines whether this module will configure the ProxySQL configuration file. Defaults to 'true'
Path of the my.cnf file where the connections details for the admin interface is save. This is required for the providers to work.
This will only be configured if manage_mycnf_file
is set to true
. Defaults to '/root/.my.proxysql.cnf'
Determines whether this module will configure the my.cnf file to connect to the admin interface. Defaults to 'true'
Determines whether this module will restart ProxySQL after reconfiguring the config file. Defaults to 'false'
Specifies whether the managed ProxySQL resources should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the managed ProxySQL resources should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Determines whether this module will manage the repositories where ProxySQL might be. Defaults to 'true'
The version of proxysql being managed. This parameter affects the repository configured when manage_repo == true
and how the service is managed.
It does not affect the package version being installed. It is used as a hint to the puppet module on how to configure proxysql. To control the exact version
deployed, use package_name
or package_source
. Defaults to the version currently installed, or 2.0.7
if the proxysql_version
fact is not yet
location of a proxysql package. When specified, this package will be installed with the package\_provider
and the manage_repo
setting will be ignored.
Since version 4 of this module, this defaults to undef
and needs to be specified when you don't want to use a package from a repository.
provider for package_source
. Defaults to dpkg
for debian-based, and rpm
for redhat systems.
owner of the datadir and config_file, defaults to root
or proxysql
depending on version
owner of the datadir and config_file, defaults to the value of sys_owner
Which configuration variables should be overriden. Hash, defaults to {}
(empty hash).
If set, proxysql_servers with the same cluster_name will be automatically added to the same cluster and will synchronize their configuration parameters. Defaults to undef
The username ProxySQL will use to connect to the configured mysql_clusters Defaults to 'cluster'
The password ProxySQL will use to connect to the configured mysql_clusters. Defaults to 'cluster'
The name of the mysql client package in your package manager. Defaults to undef
Determines whether this module will manage hostgroup_id for mysql_servers. If false - it will skip difference in this value between manifest and defined in ProxySQL. Defaults to 'true'
Array of mysql_servers, that will be created in ProxySQL. Defaults to undef
Array of mysql_users, that will be created in ProxySQL. Defaults to undef
##### mysql_hostgroups
Array of mysql_hostgroups, that will be created in ProxySQL. Defaults to undef
Array of mysql_rules, that will be created in ProxySQL. Defaults to undef
Array of schedulers, that will be created in ProxySQL. Defaults to undef
If set, ProxySQL config file will be split in 2: main config file with admin and mysql variables and proxy config file with servers\users\hostgroups\scheduler\rules params. Defaults to false
The file where servers\users\hostgroups\scheduler\rules params of ProxySQL configuration are saved. This will only be configured if split_config
is set to true
. Defaults to 'proxysql_proxy.cnf'
Determines whether this module will update the ProxySQL proxy configuration file. Defaults to 'true'
manages a variable in the ProxySQL global_variables
admin table.
The name of the variable.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
The value of the variable.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL proxysql_clusters
admin table.
The name of the resource.
Hostname of the server. Required.
Port of the server. Required. Defaults to 3306.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_replication_hostgroups
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
Name to describe the hostgroup config. Must be in a 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the writer hostgroup. Required.
Id of the reader hostgroup. Required.
Optional comment.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_group_replication_hostgroups
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
Name to describe the hostgroup config. Must be in a 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the writer hostgroup. Required.
Id of the backup writer hostgroup. Required.
Id of the reader hostgroup. Required.
Id of the offline hostgroup. Required.
Specifies whether the resource is active or not. Integer, defaults to 1.
Specifies how many active writers the resource has. Integer, defaults to 1.
Specifies if the writer is also a reader. Integer, defaults to 0.
Specifies how many transactions a resource can be behind the "master" until shunned. Integer, defaults to 0.
Optional comment.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_galera_hostgroups
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the writer hostgroup. Required if the title of the resource doesn't match the 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Id of the backup writer hostgroup. Required if the title of the resource doesn't match the 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Id of the reader hostgroup. Required if the title of the resource doesn't match the 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Id of the offline hostgroup. Required if the title of the resource doesn't match the 'writer_hostgroup
' format.
Specifies whether the resource is active or not. Integer. On creation defaults to proxysql default setting (1).
Specifies how many active writers the resource has. Integer. On creation defaults to proxysql default setting (1).
Specifies if the writer is also a reader. Integer. On creation defaults to proxysql default setting (0).
Specifies how many transactions a resource can be behind the "master" until shunned. Integer. On creation defaults to proxysql default setting (0).
Optional comment.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_servers
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
Name to describe the hostgroup config. Must be in a 'hostname
' format.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the hostgroup this server wil be configured to be part of. Integer value, required.
Hostname of the server. Required.
Port of the server. Required. Defaults to 3306.
Status of the server. Should be one of the following values: 'ONLINE', 'OFFLINE_SOFT', 'OFFLINE_HARD', 'SHUNNED'. Defaults to 'ONLINE'.
Weight value of the server. The higher the value, the higher the probability this server will be chosen from the hostgroup. Integer, defaults to 1.
Compression value of the serer. If the value is greater than 0, new connections to that server will use compression. Integer, defaults to 0.
The maximum number of connections ProxySQL will open to this backend server. Even though this server will have the highest weight, no new connections will be opened to it once this limit is hit. Please ensure that the backend is configured with a correct value of max_connections to avoid that ProxySQL will try to go beyond that limit. Integer, defaults to 1000.
If greater and 0, ProxySQL will reguarly monitor replication lag and if it goes beyond such threshold it will temporary shun the host until replication catch ups. Integer, defaults to 0.
If set to 1, connections to the backend will use SSL. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.
Ping time is regularly monitored. If a host has a ping time greater than max_latency_ms it is excluded from the connection pool (although the server stays ONLINE. Integer, defaults to 0.
Optional comment.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_users
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
Username for the user. Required.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the user password should be encrypted (requires ProxySQL setting admin-hash_password
= true
). Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Password for the user. Required.
Note: you should make sure that the global variable admin-hashed_passwords
is set to true
and then encrypt this password using the mysql_password()
Flag to determine if this user is active or not. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 1.
Flag to determine if this user uses SSL or not. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.
Default hostgroup for the user. Integer, defaults to 0.
Default schema for the user. String, defaults to ''.
Is the user locked in the default_schema
or not. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.
Disable routing across hostgroups once a transaction has started for a specific user. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.
Flag to determine fast forward or not. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.
Is this a backend user. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 1.
Is this a frontend user. Values 0 or 1. Defaults to 1.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL mysql_query_rules
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
The name of the query rule entry, Must be in a 'mysql_query_rule-rule_id
' format.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the scheduler entry. Integer value, required.
Is the rule active or not. Boolean value 0 or 1, defaults to 0.
Username to apply this rule to. String, defaults to NULL.
Schema to apply this rule to. String, defaults to NULL.
Used to chain rules. This is the id of the previous rule to apply. Integer, defaults to 0.
Used to chain rules. This is the id of the next rule to apply, Integer, defaults to NULL
Used to chain rules.
Match traffic from a certain address. String, defaults to NULL.
Match incoming traffic on a specific local address. String, defaults to NULL.
Match incoming traffic on a specific local port. Integer, defaults to NULL.
match queries with a specific digest, as returned by stats_mysql_query_digest
. String, defaults to NULL.
regular expression that matches the query digest. String, defaults to NULL.
regular expression that matches the query text. String, defaults to NULL.
this is the pattern with which to replace the matched pattern. String, defaults to NULL.
if this is set to 1, only queries not matching the query text will be considered as a match. This acts as a NOT operator in front of the regular expression matching against match_pattern or match_digest. Boolean value 0 or 1, defaults to 0.
The hostgroup to send this query to. Integer, defaults to NULL.
The amount of miliseconds to cache the result of this query. Integer, defaults to NULL.
feature currently not in use.
The maximum amount of miliseconds in which the matched or rewritten query should be executed. Integer, defaults to NULL.
The maximum number of times a query needs to be re-executed in case of detected failure during the execution of the query. Integer, defaults to NULL.
The number of milliseconds to delay the execution of the query. Integer, defaults to NULL.
The query will be blocked, and the specified error_msg will be returned to the client. String, defaults to NULL.
The query will be logged. Boolean value 0 or 1, defaults to NULL.
see https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/blob/master/doc/mirroring.md. Integer, defaults to NULL.
see https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/blob/master/doc/mirroring.md. Integer, defaults to NULL.
Optional free form text field, usable for a descriptive comment of the query rule.
manages an entry in the ProxySQL scheduler
admin table.
Whether the resource is present. Valid values are 'present', 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'.
The name of the scheduler entry, Must be in a 'scheduler-scheduler_id
' format.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately loaded to the active runtime. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Specifies whether the resource should be immediately save to disk. Boolean, defaults to 'true'.
Id of the scheduler entry. Integer value, required.
The filename of the scheduler script to run. Required.
Interval in which to run this scheduler. In miliseconds, Integer, defaults to 10000 (10sec).
The 1st argument for the scheduler script to run. Optional, defaults to NULL.
The 2nd argument for the scheduler script to run. Optional, defaults to NULL.
The 3rd argument for the scheduler script to run. Optional, defaults to NULL.
The 4th argument for the scheduler script to run. Optional, defaults to NULL.
The 5th argument for the scheduler script to run. Optional, defaults to NULL.
Optional comment.
This module ships a fact that you may find useful in your profiles. It is not used by the module itself.
The proxysql_runtime
fact queries ProxySQL and returns a hash containing the contents of several of the runtime tables.
The fact will only return data if the mysql2 library is installed in your puppet agent's gem environment.
For systems using official puppet packages, (All In One packages), the following code can be used to install this gem and make the fact available.
$dev_packages = ['mariadb-devel','make','gcc']
package { 'mysql2 gem':
ensure => present,
name => 'mysql',
provider => 'puppet_gem',
require => Package[$dev_packages],
The module requires Puppet 5.5 or above. The proxysql_runtime
fact only works when using the default value for mycnf_file_name
This module is originally developed by Matthias Crauwels for use at Ghent University, Belgium. This module is published under the Apache 2.0 license. It is now maintained by Vox Pupuli
We are open to feature requests, bug reports, contributions, etc...
Original author: Matthias Crauwels