This API allows you to interact with the pubg api at a very low level. It only does the requests and conversion to JSON objects for you. It also caches requests so you don't hit the rate limit.
You can find a usage sample in the TestApp/Program.cs file Each Object (except for Authorization) returns a Tuple of the parsed info and the raw info
The API_KEY and REGION are saved inside the Authorization class
var authorization = new Authorization(string API_KEY, enum REGION = pc_eu)
The Match class returns informations about a specifc match
var m = new Match(authorization);
var match = m.GetMatchById(string MATCH_ID);
//Get the telemetry data's from the match
var telem = m.Item1.GetTelemetry(match);
The player class can find player(s) by Name or Id's
var p = new Player(authorization);
var player = p.GetPlayerById(string PLAYER_ID);
//Select multiple players by name
//Please notice, that the api silently ignores invalid name's
var players = p.GetPlayersByNames(new List<string> {PLAYER_NAMES'S});
//Select multiple players by account id
//Please notice, that the api silently ignores invalid id's
var players2 =
p.GetPlayersByIds(new List<string> {PLAYER_ID'S});
Retrived the telemetry data of a match Please use this carefully, as it generates high loads on the pubg server infrastructure
//Generates a new Telemetry object and pass the first telemetry of the match object into it.
var t = new Telemetry();
var xtelem = t.GetTelemetry(string URL);