This webservice can be used to to query Jira for issue details. Once configured you can use a slash command to attach issue details to Jira issues mentioned in your text. If a possible reference is found, the configured JIRA instance will be queried for with the possible reference and if a match is found the ticket details will be attached to your message.
The idea is that you want to mention a issue in your text. Because, for security reasons it is not possible to parse alle the messages all the time, you have to hit a configured slash(/) together with the text mentioning a Jira issue. The bot will post your message in your name (+BOT) and with your avatar and attach the details of the Jira issues.
- Replaces all issues in your text with propper links to Jira
- Attaches details of each valid Jira issue you mentioned
- Shows Title, Description, Issue-Type (with icon), Issue-Status (with icon) and Assignee
- Highlights the attachment with a color matching the status of the issue (configurable)
- Replaces complete issue URLs with the issue ID as a link
- Can be used in all channels and private messages
- Returns error messages in case of failure (only visible to sender)
To configure this project, perform a clone, rename the
and fill-in the details for your environment.
Install dependencies via pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the server via ./
In mattermost configure a slash(/) command of your choice and let it point to the server where the python code is running on the port you defined (default: 5000) e.g. http://localhost:5000/.
Requires Mattermost Server 3.6 (fixed attachments working for slash-commands)
The python code is written using Flask, so all methods available to run a Flask instance can be applied.