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Maintain Basic Customizing

Jörg Neumann edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 1 revision

This document contains the default customizing, that should be maintained once after installing the component.


The table is maintained via transaction SM30.


It contains the customizing for the Exception Text Getter.

When searching for the most appropriate text extractor class, the customizing will be evaluated, as follows:

  1. A dedicated entry for the exception class to be processed has the highest priority
  2. Entries for non-inherited interfaces have the second highest priority (if your exception class inherits from CX_STATIC_CHECK and implements IF_T100_MESSAGE, then the new interface would be more important than the superclass)
  3. If number 1 and 2 do not apply, the text extractor will be inherited from the superclass
  4. Invalid text extractors will be ignored (Entering CL_GUI_ALV_GRID as a text getter will have no effect)