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Robert Hafner edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 1 revision

The Quorum project is managed by gitconsensus. What that means is each pull request gets voted on and with either get merged or closed without direct human intervention.

Votes are held by adding reactions to the top level comments in each pull request. There are three options for votes-

  • 👍 is a vote for the pull request to be merged.
  • 👎 is a vote to keep the pull request from being merged.
  • 😕 is a neutral vote, which is only taken into account when seeing if quorum is met.

Consensus Rules

The gitconsensus rules are stored in the project's .gitconsensus.yaml file, which means they can also be changed by pull request. To make sure special attention is given to any PR that changes consensus rules the consensus label is added.

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