This sample demonstrates the following combination
- container-less deployment
- require js
- serving resources from the classpath
- various styles of a "todo" application with test coverage and backed by a REST'ish data store
Make sure you have java 8 installed
Decide which port to use. For example, for port 12345:
mvn package
java -jar server/target/server.jar 12345
Open a browser and navigate to
If you would like to give your filesystem resources priority, launch like this:
java -jar server/target/server.jar 12345 gui/src/main/resources/
My samples are in the sean directory.
Create a directory of your own and show me how its done!
- When you press the button
- A new item is added to the data store
- The newly added item is displayed in the browser
- When the page is displayed
- All existing items in the data store are displayed in the browser
- (optional) implement a full todo app
- Meet customer need
- Can confidently refactor
- Clearly express intent
- No duplicate code
- Concise as possible
- Feel free to use CoffeeScript, ClojureScript, ReactJs, AngularJs, etc.
- Feel free not to use libraries if that is your preference
- Fell free to use any test framework you like