- All craftable gear bases, jewels, and abyss jewels
- Crafting currencies
- All Essences and Fossils
- Tentative support for Catalysts, giving 1% bonus mod weight per 1% quality
- All bench mods and interactions with metamods
- Mod View: shows all rollable valid mods and their weights for the selected item and currency
- Mass-crafting: apply any currency thousands of times and track the results
- Filter results by any combination of conditions as if on a trade site
- Graph the distribution of any stat or item property, calculate the odds of rolling different values
- Automatic post-craft actions
- Specify a list of crafted mods to try adding to an item after every roll
- Maximize mod rolls within its tier for more consistent comparison when searching/filtering
- Export item: right-click for context menu options to copy one or all items to clipboard
- PyPoE for digging through the 30GB Content.ggpk for the relevant bits.
- RePoE for translating those relevant bits to a easy-to-consume format.