Releases: SedFoam/sedfoam
Release 2312
New version related to the Eduard Puigmontella OpenFoam journal paper (doi to come)
What's Changed
- Develop by @jchauchat in #176
- Replace nuFraExp to nuFra in UEqns.H by @remichassagne in #180
- tutorial corrections by @puigmontella in #185
- Granular phase momentum budget by @remichassagne in #184
- Adding extension OverSedDyMfoam by @puigmontella in #187
- update tutorials scripts and doc by @puigmontella in #188
- doc correction by @puigmontella in #190
- Develop by @CyrilleBonamy in #189
Full Changelog: 2212...2312
Release 2212
New version related to
What's Changed
- PCG solver + shape factor + corrections by @puigmontella in #158
- update doc by @CyrilleBonamy in #159
- update docker by @CyrilleBonamy in #160
- debug docker notebook by @CyrilleBonamy in #161
- update doc docker by @CyrilleBonamy in #162
- circle-ci --> github action by @CyrilleBonamy in #165
- adding Engelund dragModel and correction of messages that pop up when typos are made by @puigmontella in #166
- small things for the doc by @CyrilleBonamy in #168
- Update of the kinetic theory by @remichassagne in #169
- debug docker notebook by @CyrilleBonamy in #170
- Small modifications + granular collapse tutorials by @puigmontella in #171
- Dockerfile: add python3-venv and meld by @paugier in #173
- corrections tutorials - update 2212 - nutMax by @puigmontella in #174
- New release : 2212 version by @CyrilleBonamy in #175
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.3...2212
Release 3.3
New version related to
Release 3.2
docker add
extended kinetic theory
Release 3.1
New features are more tutorials, more testing inside CI, and an extended version of kineticTheory.
This is the last release before the adding the dilatancy model
Release 3.0
The new features are a new algorithm considering the reduced pressure and thus the improvement of the stability.
This version is compatible with the version 5.0 of the "classical" openfoam (from and with the version v1712 and v1806 of the "plus" openfoam (from
Release 2.0
This release provides the sedfoam source code used in the Geoscientific Model Development manuscript :
Openfoam version support : 2.4.0