Releases: Sefaria/Sefaria-Project
Releases · Sefaria/Sefaria-Project
6.4.0 (2025-03-02)
- featured topic: update header styles and adjust font sizes for improved readability (f26efea)
- featured topic: wrap secondary image in link to topic detail page (238dce2)
- Header.jsx: update "Topics" link text to "Explore" with Hebrew translation (11c658c)
- Header: update 'Explore' link to use context-based translation (3188897)
- Header: update 'Explore' link to use context-based translation (5b9b91d)
- s2.css: add line clamping to seasonal card descriptions and remove unused classes (384d7c4)
- s2.css: add line-height to improve text spacing in salad item container (8147dd6)
- s2.css: adjust padding and width in topic landing newsletter for better layout (0f3da8b)
- s2.css: adjust positioning of seasonal bottom section for single panel layout (e36160f)
- s2.css: adjust positioning of seasonal bottom section with transform (ef02f6b)
- s2.css: change alignment from center to stretch in newsletter panel (b61f79d)
- s2.css: increase margin-top for improved spacing in topic landing section (5fc4297)
- s2.css: increase padding on search button for improved touch target (65184ce)
- s2.css: remove border-bottom from featured topic heading (62f0de6)
- s2.css: update alignment and remove button width constraints in newsletter input row (d447c7d)
- s2.css: update positioning of seasonal bottom section to use top calculation (ae5da12)
- sefaria.js: modify _initTopicTocCategoryTitlesReducer to recursively invoke itself not a different reducer (bc19d28)
- strings.js: update Hebrew translation for "Browse Topics" (3be974f)
- topic landing: adjust margins for improved layout on topic landing sections (dcf6159)
- topic landing: enhance responsive design for topic landing panel (840d2e1)
- topic landing: standardize text casing and improve placeholder messages (ba7d0a1)
- topic landing: update newsletter input styles for improved usability (2aca72a)
- topic landing: update newsletter text and add new explore topic string (64ef2f7)
- topic landing: update placeholder text for topic search input (5c65b41)
- topic salad: add bullet points between items in WordSalad component (39d1bb1)
- TopicLandingParasha: change learn-more-prompt (5606828)
- TopicLandingSearch.jsx: remove title attribute from search input (9ac4919)
- TopicLandingSearch.jsx: update hebrew search placeholder text (9c36d22)
- TopicLandingSeasonal.jsx, s2.css: restructure seasonal section layout and add positioning styles (242d93a)